
Watch: Tisca Chopra Examines Complexities Women Feel Post Menopause

At the recent, She Leads India event by SheThePeople, actor Tisca Chopra opened up about the internal discourse that women feel about femininity post-menopause.

Tanya Savkoor
New Update
tisca chopra menopause

The Oxford Dictionary defines a female human being as one who "can bear offspring or produce an egg." But what happens to a woman's femininity when she traverses the path of fertility and arrives at menopause? This question delves into the emotional discourse on self-worth and identity that many women face during and after menopause. The transition through menopause marks a significant phase in the lives of women, not just biologically but also psychologically. At the recent She Leads India event by SheThePeople, actor Tisca Chopra decoded the complexities of femininity and womanhood beyond reproductive functions. 


"Am I always to be seen from the eyes of a man? Am I useful or not" Chopra pondered, articulating the deep introspection that women go through when they experience menopause. "If I'm useful as a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a wife, but if I'm past my reproductive age and no longer a vestibule for a child, does that mean I have no value?"

Are Women Post-Menopause Not Feminine Enough?

Speaking at She Leads India, Tisca Chopra called for a reassessment of what womanhood and femininity are defined as. With a dedicated focus on psychological impact, the 50-year-old actor opened up about perimenopause, menopause, and other topics around women's health that are discussed only in whispers in our society. 

Chopra pointed out how women are forced to face an identity crisis during their menopausal years because society constantly defines womanhood by their reproductive abilities. She opened the discussion by recalling a hilarious but harshly true conversation she had with her cousin who had undergone menopause

"I have a cousin who went through menopause and I asked her what's going on and she said, 'Don't ask me anything. Just don't ask me anything!' so I asked her what was wrong and she said, 'Ande khatam ho gaye saare!' (I have run out of eggs) and we all laughed! But then she clearly said, 'Am I always to be seen as a man, if I am useful or not?'"

I Am Me First


Chopra's anecdote is a reminder of the societal pressure and expectations that women face regarding their worth and identity as they enter menopause. She continued, "Do my sense of humour, education, my work, my experience, or even just me-- my soul, my energy-- do they have no meaning? So what if I ran out of eggs? There is so much more to me."

She further spoke about why women must claim their space in society and prioritise themselves. She explained, "The misogyny is very, very deep-rooted even within ourselves. I think we must prioritise ourselves. I am not a mum first, I am not a daughter first, I am not a wife first, not a sister first. I am me first."

Encouraging an unabashed conversation around womanhood beyond reproductive abilities, Tisca Chopra emphasised that women must identify their worth and begin expecting others to respect it. She expressed that women giving themselves time to be able to breathe life into themselves, be it with family, friends, or alone, is crucial.

she leads india Womanhood Tisca Chopra self-worth Menopause Femininity