I-Day Special: 8 Documentaries To Watch

This Independence Day, we bring to you eight informative documentaries on India that showcase both reality and the transformation of the past decades.

I Am 20

I Am 20 incorporates interviews of people from across fields who were born in 1947 on Independence Day. Streaming platform: YouTube

The Story of India

Covering the facts from the Indus Valley Civilisation to surfacing details of India’s freedom, the documentary shows India in a different light and helps us understand the causes behind the actions. Streaming platform: BBC Network

The Great Indian Railway

The Great Indian Railway serves as gold for train lovers as it brings forth the history and status of all kinds of trains whether it's the world-famous Palace on Wheels to Darjeeling's toy Trains. Streaming platform: National Geographic

India Emerges: A Visual History

India Emerges A Visual History serves as not just a reminder of the struggles of the country's people but also the emergence of a land which had everything taken away. Streaming platform: Prime Video

The World Before Her

The World Before Her tells the stories of two women and captures the essence of the ground reality every woman in India goes through despite the patriarchal challenges thrown her way. Streaming platform: Prime Video

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It is inspired by Arunachalam Muruganantham, a social activist in Tamil Nadu, and showcases how a few women in Hapur strive to learn how to make low-cost and biodegradable sanitary pads. Streaming platform: Netflix

The Ganges with Sue Perkins

It explores the lives of people who have grown up near the holy river with detailed accounts of the transformation they've come across. Streaming platform: BBC Network

India 2050

The thought-provoking story highlights a crisis that we as Indians are approaching owing to climate change. Streaming platform: Discovery Plus