
Watch: Surrogacy Advocate Shares Her Powerful Journey To Parenthood

Shilpa Amogh Masur, a travel and lifestyle content creator, has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for many through her advocacy for surrogacy.

Priya Prakash
New Update

Shilpa Amogh Masur, a travel and lifestyle content creator, has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for many through her advocacy for surrogacy. Her journey to motherhood wasn't easy, filled with countless trials and heartbreaks. Yet, with unwavering determination and the incredible support of her sister, Shilpa overcame these challenges.


Talking to SheThePeople, Shilpa shares her story to empower others, proving that love and family aren't defined by blood but by the deep connections we forge through compassion and resilience.

Watch: Surrogacy Advocate Shares Her Powerful Journey To Parenthood

"I got married to Amogh in 2010, and we wanted to travel and explore the world. Hence, we didn't try for babies right away. After 3 years, when I was 27, our parents suggested we try for kids, but who knew it wouldn't be the same as other couples out there? I didn't get pregnant naturally after trying for few months. So we decided to consult a fertility specialist, who prescribed certain injections. After six months of trying that, we still didn't get any results.

Then we did 7 rounds of IUI, and it failed too. I was dejected, as I had lost more than a year trying for a baby with no signs of hope. After a year, we decided to go for IVF. In December 2017, I tried my first round of IVF, and I got pregnant for the first time with twins, but within 8 weeks I had a miscarriage.

During this time, my sister-in-law gave birth to a boy, and he has been my only hope through these dark days. So again, in June 2018, I tried for my second IVF, and I got pregnant again, but this time it lasted for just 6 weeks. Our whole life was shattered, and I almost gave up hopes of becoming a mom.

I used to hold my nephew and cry, and my sister used to say you'd be a great mom someday. Amogh asked if I wanted to try again, but I was done. The doctor then suggested that we think about surrogacy, which we discussed with the family, and right on day one, my sister said, "I will do it for you."


That was such a surprise for us, but she assured us, "I would be honoured to do this for you." I didn't know how to express my joy. We took her to the doctor for all kinds of check-ups. Since then, everything has been a breeze, from IVF to getting pregnant to the three trimesters. I took care of my nephew and my sister until the day of the delivery.

Our family threw both of us a baby shower. Our relatives were unclear about how surrogacy works, but we tried to explain. My parents and my brother have been the most supportive of all. In December 2019, Trishika was born, making our family complete. I can't thank my sister for giving me the best gift. The two kids in the family have two sets of parents, making us one of the luckiest families ever. One doesn't need an umbilical connection to be a mother."

surrogacy parenthood Parenthood miscarriage IVF in India surrogacy IVF Surrogacy in India