
A Chance Visit To India Led Her To Him - Watch Hannah & Deepak's Love Story

Hannah and Deepak met in 2023 purely by chance, during her visit to Bombay. Just three days later, she had to leave for Delhi, but they kept in touch.

Priya Prakash
New Update

We've recently seen many love stories where women from abroad fall in love with Indian men and leave their countries to move to India. But what drives these women to make such significant life changes? "It’s all about love," shares one of these women. Hannah from the United States shares that one of the main reasons she fell in love with Deepak was his selfless care for her.


What Led Hannah to Move from the US to India?

Hannah and Deepak met in 2023 purely by chance, during her visit to Bombay. Just three days later, she had to leave for Delhi, but they kept in touch. When she mentioned she would soon be heading back to the US, he surprised her by painting a beautiful picture of her and confessing his love. She smiled and replied, “Yes, I do!” 

That moment marked the beginning of their long-distance relationship. Despite the miles between them, the internet helped keep their love alive. They listened to podcasts, read books together, and even practised yoga through video calls. She struggled with her body image, and one day during a call, Deepak made a heartfelt list of affirmations for her to say in front of the mirror. It melted her heart. He would often stay on video calls until 3 AM just to comfort her or help her with her deadlines.

Hannah and Deepak's Love Story

One day, Deepak told her, “I can’t live without you.” So, in February 2024, she flew to India with her parents to meet his family. He went all out to decorate his home, making it a warm welcome for her. Since moving in together in Bangalore, they have experienced many ups and downs. Shortly after her arrival, she fell sick, and Deepak took amazing care of her. He made her khichadi, got her medicine, and even climbed a tree (with their landlord holding the ladder) to collect Neem leaves for her rashes.

Finally, in 2024, they got married, and their life felt like a fairytale. The transition from America to India was a big step for her, but Deepak made it easy. Whenever she felt anxious, he listened to her patiently and helped calm her nerves.  Every day, he showed her that love means respect, and he respected her deeply. 


Talking to SheThePeople, Hannah shares that she feels like she hit the jackpot when it came to husband goals. She reveals, that although she could be stubborn at times, Deepak remained kind and humble. His love was teaching her to be a better partner. She is truly grateful to have found him as her life partner.

Cross-border love stories Love stories