
13 Memes Around Skyrocketing Prices & Stability

It's payday - your salary is credited to your account and its notification is the best melody you hear. But reality strikes! You get more notifications - of bills to be paid. Payday turns into just another day when you say, "I'm broke!"

Rudrani Gupta
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A Still From Queen

It's payday - your salary is credited to your account and its notification is the best melody you hear. But reality strikes! You get more notifications - of bills to be paid. Payday turns into just another day when you say, "I'm broke!" So, what do you usually do after seeing the double or triple-figure bank balance? Resent over being an adult with responsibilities? Or open social media and laugh at money-related memes? Of course the latter! After all, what is a better way to deal with difficult situations than finding humour in them? 


Why money-related memes are relatable

The internet is flooded with money-related memes. They gain a lot of traction because people relate to it. Especially in the current era where recession is at the door and unemployment, salary cuts and no promotion have plagued career growth, financial problems are common in the society. On one side the salary is stagnant, on the other side, the cost of living is skyrocketing.

Memes to your rescue!

But relax! Struggles are part of life. It is said that humans are doomed to struggle throughout their lives. Many people say struggles make you stronger. Well, yes. But nowadays, struggles make us funnier too! 

Now sit back and relax. Just scroll through the article and chuckle at the money memes. Or as Chandler would say 'Chuckle your misery away'

The skyrocketing cost of living 


Recently, a lawyer based in Mumbai posted about the outrageous rent of apartments in the city. She said that a single bedroom-hall-kitchen (1 BHK) flat comes with a rent of Rs 50,000 to Rs 70,000. The woman shared this information with a message that people should maintain good relationships with their parents and stay at home. There is no need to be independent. 

It is indeed true that rental apartments have become very heavy on the pockets. In addition to this, the rising prices of basic things like vegetables, groceries and more are even more frustrating. And how can we forget- electricity bills, WiFi bills and maintenance of vehicles if any drown us in the misery of Sisyphus- no matter how hard we try, neither is bank balance improving nor is the cost of living decreasing. 

The time when someone asks, "How much have you saved?"

Every month we are ideally supposed to save money through SIPs, mutual funds and other investments. But what to do when there is no money to save? What should one do if the salary gets consumed by the cost of living? Well, hide your bank balance and laugh at the memes. 


Weekend fun or EMIs?

Throughout the week, we sit at the desk and work till the last ounce of tiredness. Then comes the weekend when we are supposed to have fun. But fun too comes in the exchange for money. With the burden of paying EMIs, we have no option but to stay at home on weekends. 


"What is it? Break up?" 

When there is a financial crunch in life, we cannot think of love and companionship. The only companion at that time is the list of bills to be paid. So yes, we are sad due to a toxic relationship with bills of life. 

Save money? But what about that dress? 

We all have dreams- dreams to buy that dress which costs a million, that house which will bring us to the street or that tour that will end at seeing the prices of the tickets. After all, we are humans. And we deserve to spend the money we earn through hard work right? Umm..only when hard work had value. Is there a way to earn quick bucks, though?  

"Why do you need money?" Because it is money! 

Money is power. Money is happiness. We all get to hear all these philosophies many times. But what does money really mean to us? Nothing. We just want it. Like the black dress even though all we have is black.  

Career Growth? Yeah, in terms of resignation

Today, there is a plague of unemployment. A huge crowd of youth is wandering around for a job which is joined by those who are laid off. In such a situation, hard work has increased and the payment has decreased. Many of us almost type the resignation letter but then who will give the next job? And we delete it.  

Money, Money, Money

The key to happiness is positivity, spirituality and more philosophies. But nothing can give more satisfaction than a huge bank balance, right? 

Prioritise your happiness; will you pay me for that?

Everyone says that humans should prioritise their happiness over anything else. Well, okay...

Passion or money? can get me a canvas

Nowadays, we are ready to do any job until and unless it gives us money. Have you heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? It is a hierarchy of human needs which needs to be fulfilled to motivate them to achieve their goals. In the hierarchy, financial security and achievements come before self-actualisation. So yes, it is a privilege to follow one's passion. Because not all passion gives you money. 

Why is taking money easier than paying it back?

It is very easy to debit money from a bank account. But the notification of "money credited" makes us wait for the blue moon whether it is from a friend we lend money to, a shopping app which is supposed to return the money or the office itself which takes a month to credit the salary.  

I will pay you back by EOD (end of December)

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a choice to decide when to pay the monthly bills? In that case, we won't have to debit money as soon as it is credited. Yes, it won't take away the money misery but at least give us some time to stare at and admire the bank balance we never had. 

Gift? Sure, one lakh will do!

When we are already broke, the pressure of buying gifts for people is really overwhelming. Here we are not able to buy Nutella, how can we buy a gift? The process of gifting should be based on the financial status of people. On special days, the one who is financially unstable should get the gift, even though it is not their special day. Sounds logical, right?

Views expressed are the author's own. 

funny memes online Memes money problems