
From Crocheting As Hobby To Setting Up Shop, Watch Kunal's Journey

Kunal spoke to SheThePeople and shared how he's turned his love for crocheting into a successful business, inspiring others to pursue their passions regardless of societal expectations.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Crochet by Kunal

Feature Image Credit: Crochet by Kunal

Meet Kunal, whose journey with crocheting started with his Nani's guidance when he was just 10. Despite societal stereotypes labelling crocheting as "women's work," Kunal found solace and passion in the craft, especially during the pandemic. Ignoring gender norms, he turned his hobby into a thriving business, overcoming doubts from family and facing comments perpetuating gender stereotypes. Kunal spoke to SheThePeople and shared how he's turned his love for crocheting into a successful business, inspiring others to pursue their passions regardless of societal expectations.


Here's his story.

"I was 10 when my dearest Nani introduced me to the art of crocheting, patiently guiding me through the basic stitches. It started as a way to spend quality time with her, but soon enough, it blossomed into a profound passion of mine.

It was during the pandemic that I picked up crocheting again. With the help of YouTube and the basics taught by Nani, I started creating anything that caught my fancy. Crocheting became more than a hobby. It became my solace after a stressful day of work, and I found that it gave me peace when I had anxiety and stress issues related to work and the pandemic.

I gained the confidence to turn this love into a side hustle when my friends started appreciating my craft and paying to purchase my creations. I created a social media page to sell my products. Initially, the response was lukewarm, and the journey wasn’t easy, but eventually, people started recognising my work, and I gained a community of people who supported my dreams.

Witnessing an uptick in sales, I gained the confidence to fully commit to my craft, letting go of the security of a stable salary. The transition was not easy. My parents did not approve of the idea of leaving a stable income in pursuit of a hobby. But I was firm in my decision and took the plunge. I was resolute in my mission to bring pride to my Nani, my younger self, and my wholeheartedly supportive partner.

On social media, I have encountered comments perpetuating gender stereotypes, labelling my craft as something reserved for girls. Despite this, my community always rallied behind me, standing up against such remarks. But it doesn’t bother me anymore. I love what I do!

Looking ahead, I aim to welcome individuals in need, including women rescued from brothels and those from the slums, with the vision of expanding my business alongside them.

In conclusion, I just wish to tell everyone that success in any job is not confined by gender; it’s defined by skill mastery. Tune out societal judgements and focus on honing your abilities—that's the true path to triumph."

crochet Crochet Artists