
Before Vs After Of Noses When Pregnant, Is 'Pregnancy Nose’ Real?

Pregnancy brings numerous changes in a woman's body, some more expected than others. A less commonly discussed symptom gaining attention on social media platforms is "pregnancy nose." But what exactly is it, and should it be a cause for concern?

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
pregnancy nose

Image: @tyreecewood1/TikTok

Pregnancy brings about numerous changes in a woman's body, some more expected than others. One less commonly discussed symptom gaining attention on social media platforms like TikTok & Instagram is "pregnancy nose." But what exactly is it, and should it be a cause for concern? Here's everything you need to know about this intriguing phenomenon.


What Is A ‘Pregnancy Nose’?

Pregnancy nose refers to a noticeable increase in the size of a woman's nose during pregnancy. Many women have shared their experiences on social media platforms, highlighting the dramatic changes through before-and-after photos. These posts have sparked conversations among pregnant women and new mothers, with many wondering if this condition is normal and if it will eventually subside.

Causes Of Pregnancy Nose

The enlargement of the nose during pregnancy can be attributed to hormonal changes and an increase in blood volume. According to Dr Jessica Madden, a board-certified neonatologist and paediatrician, these changes are hormonally mediated. "During pregnancy, the body's circulating blood volume increases significantly to support the growing fetus and uterus," explains Dr. Madden. "However, this increased blood flow affects all parts of the body, including the nose."


Additionally, pregnant women may experience inflammation of the nasal cavities, known as rhinitis. This condition, which affects approximately 39% of pregnant women, can cause symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. Increased blood flow can also lead to more frequent nosebleeds, which are usually harmless.

When Should You Be Concerned?

While a larger nose during pregnancy is often harmless, it can sometimes signal a more serious condition. Preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and swelling, can also cause nasal swelling. Dr Madden points out that preeclampsia typically occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and can lead to severe health issues such as headaches, vision problems, and even seizures or strokes.

It's crucial for pregnant women to attend regular prenatal appointments to monitor for conditions like preeclampsia. If you notice significant swelling in your nose or experience symptoms like severe headaches or vision changes, it's important to consult your healthcare provider.

 Does Pregnancy Nose EVER Go Away?

The good news is that the changes in your nose are usually temporary. Dr. Madden notes that in most cases, the pregnancy nose resolves around six weeks after giving birth. However, the exact timing can vary from person to person. While some women may find their noses returning to their pre-pregnancy state, others might notice lasting changes. This variability is part of the broader spectrum of postpartum bodily changes.


Embracing The Changes

It's important to remember that bodily changes during and after pregnancy are entirely normal. While the idea of a changing nose might be surprising, it’s just one of the many ways your body adapts to support a growing baby. 

Pregnancy nose is a real and common phenomenon experienced by many pregnant women. It results from hormonal changes and increased blood flow, and while it is usually temporary, it can sometimes indicate more serious conditions like preeclampsia. Regular prenatal care is essential to ensure both the mother's and baby's health. Remember, these changes are part of the incredible journey of pregnancy, and they reflect the body's remarkable ability to nurture new life.

Pregnancy Hormonal Changes Pregnancy Nose