
Lisa Kudrow Turns 60: Why Phoebe Is The Most Relatable 'Friend'

I always felt Pheobe Buffay was the most underrated of all characters in Friends but when I talk to my friends and everyone around me, I understand that she is also the most relatable. 

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Phoebe Buffay
For those who have watched Friends season after season on loop, choosing one favourite character among six is always a tough nut to crack, but some knew Phoebe was the one to watch right from the very first episode. I always felt Pheobe Buffay was the most underrated of all characters in Friends but when I talk to my friends and everyone around me, I understand that she is also the most relatable. 

The woman behind the Pheobe, Lisa Kudrow, celebrates her 60th birthday today and as her friend, Jennifer Aniston rightly puts in her latest Instagram post, Kudrow is "one of the most talented comedians/actors.." Kudrow, who was last seen in Space Force, had incredible comic timing in Friends, and it was her character's quirks that added the cherry on the cake. For me, though, it was also her deeply sensitive display of love and solidarity that makes her my favourite, almost two decades later after the show came to an end. Here's a rundown on seven reasons why Phoebe Buffay is 'The One'.

1. When she says what we all wish we could

Phoebe Buffay

The viewers immediately took to liking Phoebe Buffay when she first said dialogue in episode one that all of us wished we could say out loud. When Ross asks Buffay if she would be willing to help him sort his apartment out with Chandler and Joey, she says, "Oh I Wish I Could, But I Don't Want To"

2. When, well...Smelly Cat


Phoebe Buffay Smelly Cat

I don't know what part of Smelly Cat I relate to, but this song is as iconic as it gets, and the sheer pride that Phoebe sings it with is what makes me hum the lyrics each time I watch the re-runs. Phoebe's confidence reminds a lot of us of that one song we feel we can sing well, and how !! 

3. When she emulates what being cool really is 

 Phoebe Buffay

From what I can recall, Phoebe has had the most life-altering breakthroughs in the show than any other character and all of them amount to self-love and appreciation. We have that too, the difference being we don't always say it out aloud - well, we must, shouldn't we? Why I like Phoebe most is because she is the most non-judgement 'friend' out there, she says it like it us and yet is the most understanding of all. Her take on life, and whatever it throws at you, is the real cool.

4. When she pours all of herself, and then some

 Phoebe Buffay Love

The show doesn't feature much of Phoebe's emotional scenes, but in the very few it does, Phoebe makes us weep with her. As if her back story, where she comes from, and how she did it all alone to make it this far wasn't overwhelming enough, she also takes on some humungous tasks for her family, and she does it all selflessly.

5. When she tries to playfully trick her friends

Phoebe Buffay Friends

Phoebe puts life in every episode of Friends. Her attempt at trying to outsmart her friends when she discovers their secret is a fun segment to watch, and also much relatable. 

6. When she overreacts, and we've all been there

Phoebe Buffay Overreacts


Phoebe is that one friend whom everyone confines in. What she isn't is a subtle secret keeper. She goes out of her way to pretend that she knows nothing about the secret and ends up revealing it with her humourous overreactions. Well, we all know that one person, don't we?

7. When she chills with her friends without a care in the world 

Phoebe Buffay with Friends

Well, the gif says it all. This is the dream, isn't it? (with friends, of course).

Suggested reading: Lisa Kudrow Aka Phoebe Opens Up About Body Insecurity On Friends Set

Friends characters Lisa Kudrow Phoebe Buffay