
Life Is Too Short To Hold Back: 7 Inspiring Quotes By Kate Winslet On Ageism

Kate Winslet is one of those actors who consistently champions women to feel good about themselves and it's not just talk, it comes from her own journey of unlearning and learning.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Kate Winslet on Positive Ageism

Kate Winslet

Women today are embracing their age, bodies, and choices like never before, something our mothers’ generation rarely did. It wasn’t some sudden epiphany, but years of unlearning the beliefs society drilled into our minds. Slowly but surely, we've shed those outdated expectations and taken back control.


Kate Winslet is one of those actors who consistently champions women to feel good about themselves and it's not just talk—it comes from her own journey of unlearning and learning. Whether reflecting on what she observed in her mother, learning from her peers, or sharing her personal struggles, Kate has always had something powerful to say, particularly on the topic of ageism. Her words carry weight, and they’re worth hearing before you dismiss this as just another celebrity feature.

Life’s Too Short to Hold Back: Kate Winslet’s Inspiring Words on Ageism

I do feel a huge sense of relief that women are so much more accepting of themselves and refusing to be judged. My mother never did. It was always, 'Oh God, I don’t think I can wear this, do I look hippy, does my bum look big?' We waste so much time being down on ourselves and I’m just not doing it ever again.

When we hit 40, mid-40s, we become more woman, more powerful, more sexy. We grow into ourselves more, we have the opportunity to speak and speak our mind and not be afraid of what people think of us, not care what we look like quite so much. I think it's amazing. Let's go girls, let's just be in our power. Why not? Life's too flipping short.

I think people know better than to say, 'You might wanna do something about those wrinkles. I take pride in it because it is my life on my face, and that matters. It wouldn’t occur to me to cover that up.

I’m more comfortable in myself as each year passes. It enables me to allow the opinions of others to evaporate.

Every woman should celebrate being a real shape, being soft and maybe having a few extra rolls. We’re so used to perhaps not necessarily seeing that and enjoying it. The instinct weirdly is to see it and criticise it. It’s interesting how much people do like labels for women.

For Harper's Bazaar UK (2024)

As I’ve gotten older, I know that true beauty comes from your heart, from the love of your family; it comes from kindness and the world around you.

For Vogue (2021)

I don’t feel old. I feel excited about being 40. I really wanted to mix it up a bit and feel that I was going full pelt towards 40 having done as much as I could: pushed myself, challenged myself, exhausted myself, and had as much fun as possible.

Edit Magazine (2015)


As Kate approaches her 50th birthday in 2025, she already knows how she wants to celebrate the milestone. She’s been jotting down notes, planning to mark the year by doing 50 extraordinary things. Whether it’s a hike she’s never attempted, a place she’s yet to visit, or even acts of kindness, Kate is curating her bucket list of remarkable experiences. 

Now, ask yourself, do you have a list? If not, what are you waiting for? Take a moment, look in the mirror, and tell yourself, "I look amazing! Let’s finally do that thing I’ve always wanted but held myself back from." You'll be surprised to find there’s a list waiting in some hidden corner of your heart, ready to be lived.

ageing Ageing and women Kate Winslet Positive Ageism