
US Father Shares Strong Message To Men Criticising Taylor Swift

Robert People's TikTok message, viewed by a million, confronts Taylor Swift's critics. He highlights that the negativity aimed at Swift doesn't impact her but profoundly affects the daughters of those expressing the hate.

Ishika Thanvi
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The romantic relationship between Taylor Swift and Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce has not only captured the hearts of Swifties but also drawn the attention of critics. Swift's presence at football games, particularly the shots capturing her reactions, has sparked unwarranted criticism from some spectators.


A Retired Army Dad's TikTok Message Goes Viral

In response to the unjustified hate directed at Taylor Swift, Robert People, a retired military journalist and father from Florida, took to TikTok to share a powerful message. With over a million views, People addressed the critics, especially grown men, emphasising that their negativity doesn't affect Swift but has a profound impact on their own daughters.

He said in the video "Those of you people out there, especially grown men, expressing all this nasty, ridiculous hate for Taylor Swift just for existing and supporting her boyfriend in the NFL, keep in mind, Taylor Swift’s not gonna see or hear any of that. But you know who will? Your daughters.”

People highlighted the consequences of such criticism on young girls who admire Swift. He argued that by expressing juvenile hate towards Swift, parents inadvertently encourage their daughters to shrink themselves, fostering an environment where being true to oneself invites negativity, even from those closest to them.

As a father of a 16-year-old daughter who shares his love for football, People explained how the criticism towards Swift can be demoralising for girls who aspire to be part of traditionally male-dominated spaces. The message they might internalise is, "If Taylor Swift faces hate for being herself, do I really belong here?"

People stressed that hating on Swift is not just a parenting issue but a broader problem of treating anyone with unwarranted negativity. He urged individuals to refrain from passing judgment without knowledge and reminded everyone that Taylor Swift is a human being whose humanity should not be diminished.


Taylor Swift as a Positive Role Model

Contrary to the criticism, People expressed his desire for his daughter to have "powerful and successful" role models like Taylor Swift. He highlighted Swift's generosity, including the substantial bonus checks she gave to truck drivers working on her tour and her philanthropic efforts, emphasizing her positive impact beyond the music industry.

In response to a TikTok comment dismissing the relevance of Swift's music, People argued that the issue extends beyond musical preferences. He emphasised how the way men, especially fathers, address female celebrities influences young boys, shaping their attitudes towards women.

Closing on a positive note, People acknowledged that Swift and Kelce continue to focus on their happiness amidst external noise. The couple's commitment to staying true to themselves serves as a powerful example, transcending the unwarranted criticism they face.

Robert People's message resonates as a call for empathy, understanding, and the recognition of the impact that public criticism can have on young minds. The story of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce becomes a backdrop for a broader conversation about the influence of parental behaviour and societal attitudes on shaping the perspectives of the next generation.

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