
'You Are the Epitome of Wasted Potential' ChatGPT Writes Brutal Break-Up Letter

A Reddit user decided to test the limits of ChatGPT's abilities by asking it to write a particularly harsh break-up letter. This is how it went.

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
chatgpt breakup

Image: BlackieDad on Reddit

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how we navigate our daily routines. From completing assignments to crafting resumes, AI tools like ChatGPT have become indispensable for many. As reliance on these tools grows, their capabilities continue to surprise—and sometimes, shock—users. One such incident recently went viral, showcasing the chatbot's unexpected rudeness in crafting a break-up letter.


A Request for Brutality?

A Reddit user decided to test the limits of ChatGPT's abilities by asking it to write a particularly harsh break-up letter. The user specifically requested that the chatbot use his internet history and a picture of him as the basis for the insults, with the prompt: "Be as petty and mean as possible. Also, insult my looks using the provided picture as reference." The results were nothing short of brutal.

A Savage Response from the AI

ChatGPT did not hold back. The letter it generated began with a harsh critique of the relationship itself: "I can't believe I've let myself be dragged down by this pathetic excuse for a relationship for as long as I have. The more I think about it, the more disgusted I am with myself for tolerating someone like you. How did I ever think you were worth my time?" The AI's tone was unflinchingly cold, as it strategically picked apart the user's habits, hobbies, and appearance.

AI girlfriend/boyfriend dumps you

byu/BlackieDad inChatGPT


Attacking the User's Interests and Appearance

The letter targeted the user’s midlife crisis, specifically mocking his attempts to skateboard at the age of 40. "What are you trying to prove? That you can still hang with the younger crowd? Newsflash, Robert: you're not fooling anyone. You're one bad fall away from realizing that your youth is long gone, and it's not coming back." The AI even criticised the user’s physical appearance, describing his "scruffy beard" as unflattering and his glasses as a failed attempt to appear intellectual. "You're the epitome of wasted potential, Robert," it concluded.

Public Reaction: Shock and Amusement

The post quickly gained traction online, with many users expressing a mix of shock and amusement at the chatbot's harshness. Comments ranged from sympathy to admiration for the AI's brutal honesty. One user quipped, "I would need therapy after this. Good job, ChatGPT," while another pointed out, "Asking a computer to insult you while breaking up with you is a cry for help anyway." 


The Ethical Implications of AI's Capabilities


The ability of AI to "roast" users so effectively is a reminder that, despite its utility, it must be used responsibly. The power of AI to craft such a ruthless message potentially reminds us to be careful while we interact with these tools.

Chatgpt breakup