
How '30 Days Rejection Therapy' Helped This Woman Defeat Low Self-Esteem

Sophie Jones, a 22-year-old social media manager from Warrington, has taken an unconventional approach to overcome her overwhelming fear of rejection.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Sophie Jones selfie SWNS

Sophie Jones/ SWNS

Sophie Jones, a 22-year-old social media manager from Warrington, has taken an unconventional approach to overcome her overwhelming fear of rejection. Feeling held back by how much she cared about what others thought of her, Sophie decided to embark on a unique journey to conquer her fears. 


She discovered the concept of "rejection therapy," a method that involves desensitising oneself to rejection and embarrassment by regularly exposing oneself to uncomfortable situations.

'30 Days Rejection Therapy' Is Helping This Woman Defeat Low Self-Esteem

Determined to tackle her fears head-on, Sophie committed to a 30-day rejection therapy challenge. Each day, she places herself in situations where rejection is likely. So far, she has asked to sing on stage at a theatre, requested a tour of a supermarket warehouse, and even attempted to take a pizza out of a stranger's trolley—all met with rejection. Additionally, Sophie has invited someone to film a video with her and joined a stranger in a TikTok dance.

Despite the initial discomfort, Sophie is already noticing positive changes in her mindset. "The challenge is about knowing you can do something silly and desensitising yourself to fear and judgement. It applies to all aspects of life—imagine what you could do if you didn’t hold yourself back and could push yourself out of your comfort zone," she explains.

Overcoming Anxiety and Finding Freedom

Sophie's challenges have not only pushed her out of her comfort zone but also helped her gain confidence in other areas of her life. As a social media manager, she often feels anxious about filming comedy videos for TikTok in public. However, after just a week of daily challenges, Sophie noticed a significant reduction in her anxiety. "I filmed a video today, and I didn’t even feel anxious. Everyone was looking at me, but I wasn’t bothered. It felt really freeing not to care," she shares.


Looking ahead, Sophie has a few more awkward challenges planned, including asking to take a nap in a bed store, sliding down a fireman’s pole, and trying on strangers' sunglasses. As she continues to face rejection head-on, Sophie is becoming increasingly "immune to embarrassment" and is on a path to greater self-confidence and personal freedom.

"I’m realising it’s never as bad as you think it will be, and the world will keep turning," she says. Encouraged by her progress, Sophie recommends the challenge to others who struggle with fear of rejection, saying, "It’s scary, but when you push past the fear, you feel more confident." While Sophie comes up with most of her challenge ideas herself, she also draws inspiration from social media

Reason Behind Her Low Self-Esteem

Sophie, from Warrington, England, shared that she faced significant rejection during her teenage years. By the age of 15, she was being bullied at school, which left her feeling deeply distressed. This led to a fear of rejection, causing her to withdraw from friendships and opportunities. She avoided pursuing new jobs or forming new connections due to low self-esteem. 

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