
Chinese Woman's 'Sweet Revenge' On Luxury Store Staff Is Viral. Here's Why

A Chinese woman walks into a Louis Vuitton store, makes the staff count money for the dresses she pretends she would buy. And then, just leaves without making a purchase. Was it a tantrum or a planned revenge? Find Out.

Mahi Adlakha
New Update
Chinese woman makes LV staff count money then leaves by WSJ and Moneycontrol

Image credits WSJ and Moneycontrol

Picture this! A Chinese woman walks into the Louis Vuitton store in her neighbourhood. She walks in with a lot of cash and the rich girl attitude that is a frequent companion. She wanders around the store for a while, choosing dresses, getting in trial rooms to try them on. Basically, she was having the time of her life in that store. But her real fun started at the cash counter when she made them calculate her bill and then count her money to process her purchase. 


But suddenly she changed her mind, Why?

What happened 2 months back?

Apparently, the woman had visited the same store two months back when she had been treated with indifference by the staff. She visited the store in July hoping to treat herself with the latest pricey offerings at the store. 

But she recalls, "being pointed time and again towards outdated seasoned garments."

And this was when she was carrying a Hermes Bag. So the staff had no reason to consider her as a wannabe or a free window-shopper having come to waste the time and energy of the staff. For those of you who may not know, Hermes is a luxury brand with their bags being priced in the range of 2.5 lakhs to 4 lakhs at a minimum. 

Woman filed complaints many times before "the revenge"


Outraged by her experience at the store, being constantly met with judey looks and eye-rolls, the woman decided to contact the Louis Vuitton Headquarters to complain, but to no avail. Her emails and phone calls were answered after days of waiting and then too no action was taken. 

But she was not ready to let the matter rest. 

Her last winning line: the revenge plan

She decided to visit the store with a personal assistant and a plan. Having been fed all the information about the tale of insults, they were on board with the plan. The ladies carried a bag of 600,000 yuan (68.5 lakhs approx). 

And after all the drama of putting on dresses and gazing in Louis Vuitton mirrors was done, they proceeded to the cash counter. They handed out the bag of money to the staff. And after the staff spent 2 hours worth of time separating and counting each yuan, the lady made this effort to meet with her final winning line. 

"We don't want to buy now. We are leaving." She takes her money back and walks out. 


The Chinese Louis Vuitton departments are yet to make an official statement or apology regarding this incident.

Similar incident

In 2021, a woman was shooed away twice by a luxury beauty store's sales assistant because she was dressed casually and wore no makeup. The manager of that store eventually apologised after the incident drew media attention, according to Moneycontrol.

Women and revenge chinese woman Louis Vuitton