
Watch: Thrissur Railway Employee Serves Water To Thirsty Dog, Wins Hearts

At Thrissur railway station, a woman railway employee's act of kindness towards a thirsty dog by providing water from a tap has gone viral. Sharing the video, a social media user said, “The best view I saw today."

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
Image Credit: LiveMint/@ajithee Instagram

Image Credit: LiveMint/@ajithee Instagram

In a heartwarming gesture, a Southern Railways female employee at Thrissur railway station in Kerala helped a thirsty dog to quench its thirst. The dog was initially trying to lick water from the tap of the water cooler at the station. Seeing the dog's inability to get any water, the employee came to its rescue. She filled a paper cup with water and kept it within the dog's reach. The dog then could quench its thirst satisfactorily. 


The video of this incident was shared by a user on Instagram that melted the hearts of people on the internet. The user wrote a caption with the video in Malayalam. The user wrote, "The best view I saw today. Was at the Thrissur railway station."

However, the user also raised a question about the safety of public coolers and asked people to be careful before using them. 

From common people to a celebrity- appreciations pour in for the woman

The netizens were overwhelmed by the woman's kindness and shared appreciation. The video garnered 466,157 likes and 3,666 comments. It went viral to the extent that it reached Jacqueline Fernandez's feed who applauded the woman and said, "What a kind soul she is."


One of the users wrote, “Best work to do in life."

While the second user highlighted how the woman understood the unsaid need for help. The user wrote, "There were so many people just watching…but it requires a kind heart to understand without saying anything and help others."

Referring to humanity, the third user said, "So kind…more people like her will make world full of humanity."

“There are some humans left in our country," another user commented. 

"Everyone watching but did not help the dog until the lady came to help. Human mindset needs a reset button…smh." said yet another.

Why didn't the Instagrammer do the same?

Although some users appreciated the woman, others questioned the user who posted the video about his preference to record the incident over enacting the kindness of the woman.

 “Ek video bana raha he ek madad," remarked a netizen.

Railway employee Southern Railways