
Did You Know About These Six Struggles Of Being A Good Girl?

It's high time that we shed our double standards and let women be who and what they want to be without hesitation.

Bhavya Saini
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Struggles Of Being A Good Girl, Mental Health and Dietary Factors, Patient Gender Bias
Women are often pressured to fit in the mould of "an ideal girl" that society has created; it causes women a lot of distress since any little deviation seems to burden to them. We must understand who is an ideal girl. An ideal girl according to our society is a subservient woman who does not dissent, suppresses her identity, and accepts everything that she is subjected to without objecting to it.

Because of the societal conditioning, the women subscribed that practising certain behaviours or subscribing to a certain ideology makes one a good girl. it ranges from sitting "properly" to not laughing too loudly, it includes it all. Time and again women have criticised being imposed these restrictions and encouraged defiance. They are urged to establish a more inclusive society ewhich acknowledges them for who they are and how they are by such incidents. Women as such have often been tagged as "stubborn", "difficult" or "obstinate" for holding their opinions.

Most of us women have undergone the persistent struggles of being a good girl for acceptance from family, by extension society; many of us are still grappling with them. With having to tussle with them comes a lot of issues because it may leave you exhausted emotionally.

Struggles Of Being A Good Girl

Women may experience many effects of burdening themselves often for society's approval. Often, women have tense shoulders from carrying all the burden of the family. The entire responsibility of the household falls over the women's shoulders. If a woman is career-oriented, people are eager to nitpick their choices and dictate how should they raise their children, she immediately gets a label as a bad wife, a bad mother and so on and so forth.

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Women are generally not allowed to speak up and when she does so, she is called dominating, stubborn, because they threaten the authority of their male counterparts. But a man is opinionated, he is regarded as a genius and self-made personality. So dear women, let's just keep our opinions to ourselves because the society is too unscrupulous to understand anyways.

Moreover, women are so conditioned to stick to the ideals that little deviation makes them feel extremely guilty; while this happens to most children, it is especially the daughters who have to go through a lot in order to be accepted society as a good girl without being the centre of attention for the gossip aunties who make a fuss out of everything. Even the shade of the lipstick.

Many women are prone to hold their breath because once you heave, you have all the eyeballs staring at your chest! Is it really so hard to even breathe as a woman? Are we not even entitled to oxygen without being objectified?

Since women are often asked to take care of everything, they eventually stop caring about themselves. An "ideal woman" anyway should not be putting her needs over others'. Moreover, we are often anxious because we may never know what may happen! Groped? Eve-teased? Touched inappropriately? Stared upon? Molested? Name it, we've lived through all of it!

Views expressed by the author are their own.

struggles of women Good girl