
Changed Priorities, Lost Connection: Women Share Why Their Relationships Didn’t Work Out

Reddit women discuss how they ended relatively good relationships with decent partners for their own happiness.

Bhavya Saini
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Relationships can be complicated. Even those who might seem happily-ever-after may have some poisonous apple to wreck it up. Reddit users discuss some relationship deal breakers for women which made them walk out of their relatively good relationships because sometimes you just don’t feel that way anymore.

Relationships take a lot of work and effort. Sometimes even after giving it all you have, some things don’t work out as much as you wanted them to. It’s not always about doing something wrong, sometimes you realise they weren’t the one you wanted in your life. And guess what? It’s okay if you don’t feel the same.

A Reddit user by the name Henbit shared how she broke off a long-term relationship at the thought of giving up her career and dreams to have a child with her partner. “ I was initially excited, but I soon realized he was completely ignoring my career plan and any dreams I had for myself,” She mentioned.

Replying to the same thread, another user shared that she never wanted kids despite having three serious relationships but as soon as she found someone she wanted to be a parent with, she sees a future having kids.

c8ball mentioned how she never felt a connection with her previous partner and it always felt forced. Drawing comparison between her previous and current relationships, she stated the difference in how the two “settle(d) her soul”. “The difference is that this one feels like wine, it gets better the longer I’m with him and nothing is forced,” She explained with a perfect analogy.

Relationships are hard and complicated. When the stardust settles that’s when people tend to realise what works for them and what doesn’t.

One thing that make relationships work is growing together while working out the life thing. And during this process of working out, people often tend to grow apart than growing together.


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Raptorsniper shared how she outgrew the relationship as she matured from her teenage years despite her partner being a decent guy. “Decent guy, really, just... not right for me, long term. I outgrew the relationship. I was maturing a bit (relationship was from ages 17-21), and he... wasn't.” She said.

So many women confuse being ‘safe’ or a having a ‘comfort zone’ with their partners as love. It takes them time to realise that being a friend isn’t the same as having a lover. A user named MusicalTourettes mentioned how loving her partner was but she hardly felt loved just because she always considered him as a ‘friend’. She had trouble getting her emotional needs met even when he tried his best. She divorced him and is now happily remarried with someone she considers her ‘lover’.

Life is all about making mistakes and learning all the way through it. It’s very important to understand what works for you and what doesn’t because being in an unhappy relationship is the real deal breaker.

relationships and women