
STP Fixations: Mr Bean, The Epitome Of Self-Love In Solitude

I remember Mr Bean immediately when someone mentions self-love. The character is the epitome of how one can live a life while being alone. Do you know who the Santa of Mr Bean is? He, himself.

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
mr bean
Sitting at the table of a fancy restaurant, he took out a greeting card for his birthday. Placed it on the table and acted surprised by such a beautiful gesture. Can you guess who is he? 
Mr Bean is identified immediately when one mentions self-love. The character is the epitome of how one can live a life while being alone. He shows us that being alone is not something to be ashamed of but the freedom to do anything you want. 

My Favourite Mr Bean Moments

My favourite episode of Mr Bean is the birthday episode and Christmas celebration. In the former, Bean goes to a restaurant alone on his birthday. He celebrates it through a greeting he made for himself. He pretends as if someone else has brought it for him. Post this begins the series of laughter as he tries to get rid of the food he ordered. 
Thereafter, in the Christmas episode, he keeps socks for Santa to give gifts. Do you know who the Santa of Mr Bean is? He. Bean hangs three different sizes of socks near the Christmas tree - one for himself, another for Teddy and the third one for the mouse. The best part is that the socks are filled with gifts by Bean himself. 
The next day, he wakes up with excitement and takes the gifts out of the socks. He gets excited about the gifts that he gave to himself.

How Do I Relate To Mr Bean? 

This incident reminded me of the time when I used to love my solitude. I used to go to gurudwara alone, movies alone, malls alone and even bought gifts for myself on my birthday. I am now even planning to go on trips during my birthdays. 
Watching Mr Bean, which I have been doing since my childhood, helps me vicariously live as a person who loves herself and doesn't care what society thinks. 
Another very special characteristic of Bean is his ability to solve all the problems. No matter how huge a problem is, Bean never runs away from it and rather implies hilarious tricks to deal with the problem. 
This perspective towards life can make breathing easy. We will not only be able to solve problems but also consider them as parts of life. 
I have watched all the episodes but I never feel bored rewatching. Every time I feel sad about my loneliness, I turn on any episode of Mr Bean and relax thinking I can be Mr Bean too. 
However, people like Mr Bean don't really exist in the world. Even if they do, society doesn't consider them normal. I am saying this based on my experience. For example, my decision to never marry is considered odd and always criticised. I am given various reasons why marriage is important. No one really accepts a person, a woman especially, who makes decisions to live on her own. 
Maybe, that's the reason each episode of Mr Bean shows him falling from the sky as if an alien that doesn't really belong to the Earth. I will always keep Mr Bean as my inspiration for self-love. I will always aim to be another Mr Bean, more impactful and daring. 

STP Fixations is a series dedicated to anything and everything that captures our attention - a scene, anecdote, dialogue, character or a trivial, random bizarreness. A fixation over a memory that sometimes makes sense (or sometimes doesn’t) but is stuck in our hearts and minds long after the moment is over.

Views expressed are the author's own.

Mr Bean Self Love happiness STP Fixations alone time loneliness