
Who Is Sophia Fedyna? Ukrainian MP Speaks On Attack By Russia

Sophia Fedyna is a lawmaker affilieated to the European Solidarity Party in Ukraine.

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who is sophia fedyna
 Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, declared war on Ukraine on February 24. Ukrainian lawmaker Sophia Fedyna revealed that Russia has already launched an attack on military airports and stockpiles, further adding that air raid sirens could be heard over Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

Amidst the escalating tensions in world politics and economy because of Russia's decision to hit Ukraine, Fedyna, a Member of Parliament, said, "Our bunkers are ready," adding that there are safe houses for the people. Another Ukrainian MP Volodymyr Ariev challenged Russia and tweeted, "Welcome to hell."

The order for invasion of Ukraine was given by Putin on Thursday, during which he also added that Russia does not intend to occupy Ukraine but to "demilitarise" it. According to him, the decision was taken considering the threats from the country. "We decided to launch a special military action aimed at demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine," said Putin as large explosions were witnessed in Kyiv and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine.

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India has expressed concern over the increasing tensions between Russia and Ukraine and stated that this may lead to a major crisis in the peace and security of the region. The Permanent Representative to the United Nations for India TS Tirumurti said, "...We express our deep concern over the developments, which if not handled carefully, may well undermine the peace and security of the region."


Tirumurti also called for an immediate de-escalation and refrain from any action which can contribute to making the situation worst. According to him, the solution lies in the diplomatic dialogue between the concerned parties.

Who is Sophia Fedyna?

Fedyna is a lawmaker from the European Solidarity Party in Ukraine. She welcomed the heavy financial sanctions against Russian banks by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. These sanctions were put forth with the declaration that Moscow has violated international law by invading Ukraine.

She said, "We in Ukraine greet these sanctions. Today the Ukrainian Parliament and President will also impose sanctions on all those people mentioned by Joe Biden. Ukraine does not have much influence in the economic sphere but in any way, we have to work to hold hands with our Western partners."

Fedyna was born on February 18, 1984, and her last known position was a memeber of Parliament, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

In the year 2020, she was notified of suspicion and summoned for an interview by the State Bureau of Investigation for "threatening to kill" President Zelensky. At the time, she told the media that she had received the notice for interrogation.


The summon was issued in connection with a video that she and Marusya Zvirobiy, a volunteer, had released in 2019. In the video, they were seen criticising the President after his work visit to Donbas. Certain sentences used by the duo were considered "threatening" by the State Bureau of Investigation.

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