
Six Ways In Which We Can Manage Work-Life Balance In 2024

Work-life balance is no longer a buzzword; it’s a survival skill. However, with a few adjustments, well-established boundaries, and positive habits, we can manage to conquer this challenge. Here is how we can manage our work-life balance in 2024.

Diksha Arora
New Update
CREDITS: RMIT University

Work-life balance is no longer a buzzword; it’s a survival skill. This topic has gained recent popularity, and the reason is obvious. Today, when we're at work, we're all in, and time slips away unnoticed with never-ending meetings, deadlines, keeping up with updates, analysing competitors, and more. And this is something we all struggle with.


However, with a few adjustments, well-established boundaries, and positive habits, we can manage to conquer this challenge.

Here is how we can manage our work-life balance in 2024

Define dedicated work hours

Set clear boundaries for your work hours, whether it's five or ten hours a day. During these hours, fully engage in your tasks, taking short breaks when necessary. The key is to maintain focus and avoid the pitfalls of a scattered workday. Use productivity tools such as Notion and Calendar to prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance. This ensures that your efforts are directed toward what truly matters, reducing unnecessary stress.

Learn the Art of Saying 'No'

This is something I learned the hard way. Understand your limits and say 'no' when needed. Overcommitting often leads to burnout, negatively impacting both your professional and personal lives. So, prioritise your daily goals and stick to them unless something urgent comes up. While it might be tempting to accept social invitations or spontaneous outings, strategically declining is essential to preventing burnout and maintaining a sustainable work-life balance.


Tech Detox

I cannot emphasise this point strongly enough. I've experienced the struggle firsthand, where my online research turned into seemingly endless scrolling. Therefore, establish designated tech-free zones or intervals throughout your day. Disable notifications during family dinners or personal activities to fully engage in the moment. Just as you wholeheartedly invest your attention in scrolling or indulging in your favourite shows, extend that same attention to yourself and your cherished ones.

Learn the Power of Delegation

Don't be afraid to delegate tasks at work. As a content creator and solopreneur, I understand the challenge of placing trust in others with your work. However, to concentrate on what truly matters, delegation is essential. This practice expedites task completion, creating space for valuable family or personal time. If budget constraints are a concern, make the most of AI. It can save you hours.

Regular Reflection

Set aside time each week for reflection, not only on your accomplishments and challenges but also on how you allocate your time. Consistently monitor which tasks consume the most time and should be delegated. Additionally, evaluate whether certain tasks can be efficiently managed by AI. This process of self-reflection ultimately contributes to a healthy work-life balance.


Schedule Quality Time

Allocate dedicated time slots in your calendar for quality moments with family and friends. So, we will leverage AI or technology to streamline these commitments. Isn't it amazing? Treat these commitments with the same level of importance as work meetings to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

A few more strategies to consider

  • Decide on a day to take off.
  • Optimise your workstation.
  • Explore co-working hubs.

There you have it. In 2024, it's about working smarter, not harder. It's time to establish clear boundaries, embrace a tech detox, infuse some self-care, and cultivate smart habits. Do this, and your career will thank you, as will your personal life.

Views expressed are the author's own

Authored by Diksha Arora, an interview coach.

worklife balance worklife 2024 Resolutions