
Watch: Kopal Agarwal's Fitness Journey Carved A Path To Self Acceptance

From struggling with stress-eating and weight gain to embracing discipline and a healthy lifestyle, Kopal Agarwal believes that her fitness journey has been influential not only to her physical health but also mental wellness.

Tanya Savkoor
New Update

Many of us attach our worth to our appearance, specifically the size of our bodies, and Kopal Agarwal was no exception. Growing up, she struggled with feeling underappreciated by her family and embracing self-love. She started gaining weight in her college days, becoming the subject of ridicule among her relatives and peers. This particularly worsened during the COVID-19 lockdowns, when she often caught herself stress eating. However, noticing the impact this had on her mental health, Agarwal decided to bring change. 


She started working on her fitness and focusing on her health. Soon, not only did she see a change in her body but also her mental wellness. Through discipline and focus, she was able to embrace a renewed, more content version of herself, fostering a deeper sense of self-love.

Kopal Agarwal Weightloss Story

“By 2018 I had started gaining so much weight that my relatives started mocking me, ‘Tum to kafi moti hogyi ho’ they’d say but I ignored them. But the worst was yet to come. The lockdown happened and out of stress eating, my weight shot up to 91 kgs.

My cousins started cracking jokes by calling me ‘Chota hathi’ and ‘Dharti ka bhoj,’ I was a topper in studies, good at dancing, singing, and painting, but all everyone noticed was my weight. Such insensitive comments made me hate my body. Looking in the mirror gave me goosebumps. I wasn’t on social media, because I thought I didn't look good. It was the lowest time of my life, and I had to change it.

It was my college's fifth year when I made fat loss my goal. My mom supported me through it. From taking proper nutrition to working out, I did everything- followed a proper calendar. I cut out all the junk and became consistent with my workouts and diet.

Soon I started enjoying my lifestyle changes and the gym became my second home- a safe space where I learnt how to love myself. Within the next 6 months, I lost about 25 kgs of weight by being consistent and disciplined– I wanted to prove everyone wrong and that was my motivation; that I could do it if I put my mind to it.

There was a time when guys would bro-zone me just for my looks, but now there are millions of them in my DMs. Girls, work on yourself, you have no idea what the world has to offer you if you start loving and believing in yourself.”

mental health Self Love Weight Loss weight gain