
Fight With Gestational Diabetes Led Me To Start A Health-Conscious Beverage Company

In a world where sugary drinks dominated every corner of the beverage aisle, I found myself questioning why. Growing up in a family deeply affected by diabetes, and experiencing gestational diabetes during my pregnancies, I knew firsthand the challenges and risks involved.

Jyoti Bharadwaj
New Update
Jyoti Bharadwaj

In a world where sugary drinks dominated every corner of the beverage aisle, I found myself questioning why. Growing up in a family deeply affected by diabetes, and experiencing gestational diabetes during my pregnancies, I knew firsthand the challenges and risks involved. Trips to supermarkets offered little relief – it was either overly sweet colas or falsely marketed diet drinks that were never quite satisfied. However, a transformative visit to Japan opened my eyes to a different approach. There, amidst a diverse array of unsweetened beverages like Japanese teas and botanical infusions, I found inspiration.


Fight With Health Issues Led Me To Start A Health-Conscious Beverage Company

This discovery sparked a dream: TeaFit was created out of my personal experiences of dealing with health issues. Indeed, during my pregnancies, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which entailed daily insulin injections to regulate my blood sugar levels. This period was a learning one because it exposed me to the fact that there are very few quality healthy drinks available. The company was formed out of this experience. I thought of a drink that would taste good and at the same time be good for my health, without having to add sugar or artificial sweeteners.

The basis of operations of the company is the focus on quality and health. We carefully select premium-quality tea leaves from the rich and famous tea gardens of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Kerala. These regions are popular for producing quality tea and we make sure that only the best leaves make it to our products. However, what sets us apart from the competition is our proprietary blend of 15 Ayurvedic super herbs. 

The brand faced its share of struggles since it began but it has been encouraged by the customers who are eager to use the products whenever they are ready. The commitment of our company to offer our consumers healthier beverage choices has been acknowledged in many ways, and our products have been featured in leading magazines such as Forbes India, Vogue and others. 

Out of all the things that are important to me, I want to focus on the environmental aspect. People will gladly note that environmental concern is something that we understand and practice in producing our products. Organic waste produced by the brewing process is buried back into the earth to enrich soils for sustainable farming and uphold environmental health. This not only has environmental impacts but also helps in preserving the tea gardens which we source from, productive. The creation of a health-oriented community is among the most significant achievements in our evolutionary process. 

Authored by Jyoti Bharadwaj, Founder of TeaFit

Gestattional Diabetes Jyoti Bharadwaj Healthy Teas TeaFit