
Once A Shy Kolkata Girl, How I Became Leader Of A Pan India Business

If there was one word to describe my journey from a timid girl in Kolkata to a successful entrepreneur and leader today, it would be 'transformative'. It has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the power of embracing change.

Deepika Jindal
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Deepika Jindal

Deepika Jindal

My journey with Arttd’inox and Jindal Lifestyle Ltd has over the years become a huge part of my life. The brand started off as my passion project and has grown into a household name that people love and cherish. Today, when I reflect back on the road that brought me here, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities, challenges, and growth that have shaped me and my life into what it is today. It has been a remarkable path, one that intertwines my passion for creativity, love for spirituality, and unwavering commitment to entrepreneurship.

My affinity for design and culture is something that has been a part of my life right from the start. Born and raised in a traditional Marwari family, my early years were steeped in the rich cultural heritage of Kolkata. I was fascinated by the arts and the business of design but never thought of exploring it as a career. I became part of the illustrious Jindal family, at the age of 19 and spent a huge chunk of my life taking care of them. Although as a family synonymous with stainless steel in India, I wasn’t initially drawn to the family business. I would display my penchant for design by taking over the home decor during festivals and get-togethers. It was this passion that eventually merged with the world of stainless steel and paved the way for my unique entrepreneurial journey.

My calling into creative entrepreneurship 

Life has a way of guiding us towards our true calling, even when we least expect it. And this saying holds true even more for me. My eureka moment happened on one of my travels with my husband; I realised that there was a gap in the perception and utilisation of stainless steel as a lifestyle material. Globally the perception of stainless steel was one of high-end luxury and quality which was not reflected in India. Here it was something that people used for storage and kept hidden away at the back of the kitchen cabinets. I yearned to bring this very malleable material to the spotlight in India and shape it in a form that people could proudly present in their homes. Thus, at the age of 39, I began my entrepreneurial journey. I founded Arttd’inox, India's first home lifestyle brand in stainless steel. 

Over the years I have helped shape not only a brand that offers a wide range of stainless-steel lifestyle offerings but also a platform that exalts local artisans and provides them with a platform to showcase their talent. But needless to say, the path was not without challenges, from navigating finances and hurdles to overcoming the absence of a manufacturing setup and technical knowledge. And also the expectations of managing the household, and taking time out for the family while running the business. Without a strong support system, this would not have been possible. 

My family and the team I had built, has at every juncture reinforced my belief and helped drive my vision forward of creating a culture of stainless steel across the country. 

Growing up, my family instilled in me respect and a yearning to carry forward the “Sanskaras” we were taught. “We are only as good as what we have learnt from those before us and what we do for those who come after us,” we were often told. I have taken this lesson very personally, and constantly strive to give back to the community. Under the company banner, I chair the CSR Foundation through which we aspire to action programs that bring about real and positive change in society.


One cause I hold close to my heart is that of women's empowerment. I believe that in India, there is a genuine need for women to be made self-reliant. Therefore, I actively work to uplift women from various socioeconomic situations so that they may develop their self-worth and become independent.

Be it through education drives, setting up 200+ self-help groups or even establishing the Sahaja Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing Unit, we aim to make women financially and socially self-sufficient. Additionally, through my involvement as chairperson and mentor of educational and medical institutions, I strive to make a lasting impact on education and healthcare.

In the initial years, when I was managing my time to focus on my children, the growing brand as well as my societal initiatives, I would find myself often feeling lost or burnt out. And this is something that I notice in many entrepreneurs today. People end up giving and pouring so much of themselves into their business that they end up falling ill or losing motivation. They do not realise that it is their passion and drive that is most important to run the business, running round-the-clock without taking care of oneself is not a sustainable business or personal decision. It is imperative to take time out for yourself and do something that makes you happy and gives you peace. For me it is spirituality. I have seen first-hand the impact of my spiritual endeavours on my personal and professional growth. I have become calmer, being able to prioritise and have a clear mind to make decisions.

If there was one word to describe my journey from a timid girl in Kolkata to a successful entrepreneur and leader today, it would be 'transformative'. It has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the power of embracing change. With every challenge I have faced, I have emerged stronger, guided by an unwavering faith that everything happens for a reason. 

I have learnt that failures may and should come, but they should be seen as stepping stones on the path to success. I now know that it is possible to embrace all three: creativity, spirituality, and entrepreneurship without having to let go of any.  Today, I proudly wear multiple hats as a businesswoman, wife, mother, and grandmother, cherishing the support and equilibrium provided by my loving family. As I continue to grow and evolve, I am grateful for the transformative power of entrepreneurship, which has not only shaped me but also allowed me to contribute to society in meaningful ways. 

Authored by Deepika Jindal, Creative Head and Managing Director, Jindal Lifestyle Ltd


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Entrepreneurial Journey Deepika Jindal