
How Middle-Class Families Make Every Penny Count

At face value, the tips and tricks of middle-class households to save money might seem silly. However, if you analyse those tricks in the context of the security of the future, you will start appreciating them.

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
Image Credit: A still from Gullak season 2

Image Credit: A still from Gullak season 2

Saving money is crucial for managing your finances effectively. Simply earning a high income isn't sufficient for financial empowerment; it's equally important to save wisely to secure both your present and future. While you can search endlessly on Google for advice, practical examples often offer the most valuable lessons. Middle-class families provide a wealth of such examples, showcasing effective money-saving strategies that anyone can adopt.


At first glance, middle-class households' money-saving strategies and tricks may appear naive. However, if you consider these tactics in the context of future security, you will begin to appreciate them. The best feature of these tricks is their Indian origin. These tactics are designed to suit the surroundings and capabilities of any Indian family.

Without further ado, let's explore a selection of money-saving tips and tricks commonly employed by middle-class families in India.

Preserving containers 

Have you ever opened an ice cream box only to find curd inside? That is exactly what maintaining containers entails. Middle-class households do not discard the new containers they purchase. They use them to store other items. This saves money on replacing containers as they break. Purchasing containers specifically designed for keeping sugar, salt, or other spices is expensive due to their unique properties. So it's always preferable to reuse the containers. And, guess what? Nothing gets ruined.

Using things until they die out

To use the products they buy to the maximum, middle-class families resort to practices like filling almost empty shampoo bottles with water, squeezing toothpaste tubes till they bend or cutting them into halves and using the remnants or reusing the torn clothes as kitchen napkin, bags or mop clothes. 


Serving last night’s curry as breakfast

This is extremely typical in middle-class households. Middle-class households typically reuse meals at least twice to save money on food. They learn the money spent on purchasing and preparing the curry. So they want to save it and reinvest in something new. And you know what? The quality of food, whether stale or fresh, is determined by how it is cooked and served.

Finding happiness in small things 

Middle-class families tend to find happiness in small things. This is why they never indulge in throwing fancy parties during special days. Rather, they save the money and organise an intimate dinner, which is no less beautiful than any fancy party. So they hit two goals with one stone: happiness and saving money. 

Waiting for sale

Middle-class families rarely buy stuff at their real price. While walking through the mall or bazaar, they swiftly walk past the stores that do not have sales or have only fresh items. Middle-class families are ready to wait for the sale season to arrive to buy stuff, no matter how necessary it is. 


Minimalist lifestyle 

Middle-class families believe in a minimalist lifestyle. They purchase or own things that are necessary for their survival. They might have one vehicle if that is enough to contain the entire family. They might have one AC, which should only be turned on during night or during dire necessity. 

The point is that middle-class families do not believe in possessing luxuries. Rather, their mantra is to save the money today to use it for the future when demands and requirements will increase.   

Being a member of a middle-class family, I can resonate with each trick mentioned above. I have witnessed them, used them and now appreciate them. They might make you chuckle, but which financial management method is as entertaining as the middle-class family's tricks?

Views expressed are the author's own.

Financial management saving money Middle class lens