
Blind Faith On Godmen Can Cost The Entire Society - It Already Is

In a recent video, a religious preacher stated that women's clothes also contribute to sexual crimes. This isn't the first time a person with a huge following has said this and, unfortunately, it may not be the last.

Rudrani Gupta
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Godmen Representation, credit: Webseries Aashram

Image used for representation purpose only | Source: Webseries Aashram, MX Player

I have never liked godmen, messengers of god or self-proclaimed preachers telling us what is the best way (and the only way) to live. Not because I have had some traumatic experience with them, but because of the trauma others have faced due to them. The list of sadhus, babas, pandits and other preachers being involved in sexual harassment cases is long. But their conviction is not as strong as other criminals. The proof of this is the constant bail given to Ram Rahim, who bears multiple sexual assault charges to his name. I am not making a sweeping judgment but I am raising a voice against the power we provide to godmen. Why is their influence so strong that it makes people blinded to what is right and what is wrong?


Whatever The Crime, Blame It On The Woman's Clothes!!

Recently, I came across a video in which preacher Anirudhacharya Ji Maharaj was talking about how the clothes of women are responsible for sexual crimes. He said that not just the sight of the man but the clothes of the women are also responsible for sexual crimes. In a nutshell, he said that when a fairly good man sees a woman in 'less' clothes, his sexual urges automatically increase and he is provoked to commit sexual crimes. At last, he raises the question, "Who was responsible for the crime?"

Now you tell me the answer, who was responsible? The woman because she wore what she wanted to? The man who considered 'less' clothes as a symbol for 'asking for it'? Or the preacher for spreading such sexist messages to his millions of followers? 

Yes, the questions were rhetoric. The woman can never be held responsible for her choice of clothes. And yes, it is the fault of the man for misinterpreting the women's actions. 


Why Preachers Must Be Careful With Their Words

The preacher who has millions of followers, including those in my family, is responsible for spreading the right message. He cannot be careless. Each word he speaks must be meaningful enough to help humanity and not derail it. After all, people entrust these preachers with the responsibility of improving the deteriorated society. 

I have no personal issues with such preachers. Sometimes, they do speak things that make sense and are eye-opening. But I have a problem with people trusting them blindly. Many preachers misuse blind trust and also gain power through it. 

Blind Faith In Godmen

When the video came across, I sent it to my family who believes in Anirushacharaya Ji Maharaj. I thought maybe now they would understand that blind faith leads to havoc. But to my shock, they defended Maharaj. From supporting what he said to claiming how big his reputation is, my family stood against me for being narrow-minded. They were of the opinion that every person is allowed one mistake. 

But was the sexist remark really just a 'mistake'? Currently, we are in the midst of the horror of the Kolkata rape and murder case. Women in the entire nation are shocked, and scared and are grieving the tragic death of the doctor. If sexist comments that make women responsible for sexual crimes are just a 'mistake', will we ever get over the rape culture in our society?


Making women responsible for the crime is only a way to decrease the intensity of the crime and encourage it as the perpetrators are acquitted of social criticism. And if such crimes start happening frequently, which they are, what will we women do on this planet? Will we ever feel safe, anywhere? 

I am not urging you to unfollow any preacher. I am requesting to stop placing your blind trust and faith in them. 

Views expressed are the author's own.  

godmen and india rapes sexist remark godmen