
8 Reasons Women Need to Increase Vitamin D Consumption

Also known as the 'Sunshine Hormone', Vitamin D is emerging as an important nutrient in women's health. Read more to find out the benefits.

Rhea Gangavkar
Updated On
New Update
Vitamin D needs of women

Vitamin D, often called as 'Sunshine D', has started to gain prominence over its pivotal role in women's health. It is important for a number of reasons, from maintaining healthy teeth and bones to reducing the general risk of diabetes. Vitamins are nutrients that your body cannot create, however your body can produce Vitamin D with the help of a little sunshine. And as we know, a little bit of sunshine never did us harm, whether it's for the mood or for the body! Here are 8 reasons why women need to increase their consumption of Vitamin D:

  • It reduces depression. Research has shown that regular consumption is instrumental for regulating mood and warding off depression.
  • Helps stave off osteoporosis. It promotes absorption of calcium in your gut, which ultimately allows for mineralization of your bones.
  • It helps prevent breast cancer. According to various studies on the National Cancer Institute's website, it has shown to reduce or prevent the development of tumors in mice.
  • It helps combat both Type I and Type II diabetes. In a study with over 83,000 women showed that a daily intake of a combination of calcium and vitamin D lowered the risk of diabetes by 33%.
  • A daily dose helps lower the risk of tuberculosis in urban women, according to a study 'Emerging Role of Vitamin D3 Women's Health'. 
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure in elderly women. According to an 8-week single-intervention study of 148 the concerned vitamin-deficient elderly women, a 9 % decrease in systolic blood pressure was found with the introduction with supplemental vitamin D.
  • Increased Vitamin D consumption can improve muscle performance in elderly women and reduce the risk of falls.
  • Lowers the risk of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Research suggests that a lower amount of Vitamin D is associated with greater risk of giving birth pre-term.

Also read: Lack of Vitamin D Causes Obesity in Women 

Women's health Vitamin D sunshine hormone vitamin d3