
Meet Ayanna Williams: Woman Behind The 18-Foot-Long Fingernails World Record

Ayanna Williams who broke the record for longest fingernails in 2018 had some things to recall on her 20 year journey, on growing her nails.

Paawani Gupta
New Update
Guinness World Records

Image Credits: Guinness World Records

Ayanna Williams held the record for having the longest fingernails, with a total length of 18 feet and 10.9 inches. She set her Guinness World Record in 2018, and prior to that, she hadn't cut or trimmed her nails for 20 years. Williams began growing her nails in the early 1990s, a decision that would eventually lead her to worldwide recognition. Over 28 years, Williams meticulously cared for her nails, allowing them to grow to a breathtaking length of 24 feet and 0.7 inches.


The Challenges of Maintaining Record-Breaking Nails

Williams, a nail technician who had been working as an artist, started growing her nails and strove to set a world record. It was a long and tedious journey, but in 2022, she finally had her longest nails cut as she said it was time for "the ultimate manicure," something she wasn't able to enjoy previously with her 18-foot-long fingernails. Williams, a native Texan, had made headlines for years due to her amazing nail growth, but more than that, it was her quirky ways of doing chores around her long nails that drew attention.

While many people still wonder how individuals with such long fingernails manage everyday tasks, Diana Armstrong, who currently holds the record for longest nails at 47 feet, has reflected on this. It took Armstrong nearly 20 hours to paint her nails using 2 bottles of nail polish. She later mentioned that it was difficult for her to frequently repaint her nails due to their length, so she switched to using acrylic paints for efficiency and feasibility. In an interview with People, she mentioned, "I clean with them using a brush at the sink. I use disinfectant or bleach." Accommodating her nails for mundane tasks requires special methods and tricks. She mentions how while popcorn she uses a spoon instead of her fingers. If she needs to use her laptop or mobile phone for texting or calling she uses a pencil or a stick to press on the screen and its buttons. 

Williams also added how her family has been by her side and adjusted to her special routine and habits while also helping and supporting her. The decision to cut her nails was not taken lightly. After years of living with her record-breaking nails, Williams decided it was time for a change. The nails were cut using an electric rotary tool at a dermatology office in Fort Worth, Texas. Williams expressed a mix of excitement and relief at the prospect of living without the encumbrance of her lengthy nails. She cited practical reasons for her decision, including difficulties with tasks such as putting sheets on the bed. Despite parting with her nails, Williams remains optimistic and plans to regrow them, though not to their previous length. Williams' nails will be preserved and displayed at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum in Orlando, Florida, ensuring that her achievement will continue to inspire and amaze future generations.

longest fingernails Ayanna Williams Guinness Record Diana Armstrong