Paul Durov, the co-founder and CEO of Telegram, is offering free in-vitro fertilisation treatment (IVF) to women willing to use his sperm, a Moscow-based fertility clinic recently announced. The Altravita facility stated that Durov would finance the treatment but only if they met certain requirements. The tech entrepreneur has reportedly fathered several children through sperm donation and once announced that he has over "100 biological children" worldwide.
Billionaire Announces Free IVF
Altravita announced on their website, "We are happy to offer you a unique opportunity! Only in our clinic, you can undergo IVF for free, using the sperm of Pavel Durov -- one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs of our time. This opportunity is one of a kind and the number of slots is limited."
The cryobank added that Durov would cover all expenses for the treatment as long as they met some requirements. The maximum age of the sperm recipient should not be over 37 and their “health condition should be satisfactory," based on the clinic's "reproductologist’s medical report."
Paul Durov Sperm Donation
Paul Durov has been deemed a generous entrepreneur as he has reportedly donated sperm several times. Given his influence in the tech world, his involvement in this fertility program has captured global attention. In a recent social media post, Durov claimed that he has over a hundred biological children.
In an earlier post, Durov shared, “Fifteen years ago, a friend of mine approached me with a weird request. He said that he and his wife couldn’t have kids due to a fertility issue and asked me to donate sperm at a clinic for them to have a baby. I laughed my ass off before realising he was dead serious.”
Related News: Russia's Efforts To Boost Birth Rate
Russia has been witnessing a significant dip in its birth rate over the years, which has reportedly worsened since the conflict with Ukraine. In recent times, the Vladimir Putin administration has announced several measures, many of which have been deemed peculiar, to control the demographic decline.
The Kremlin recently announced the potential establishment of a "Ministry of Sex" to tackle the birth rate issue. The Putin government once also urged couples to have sex during breaks at work and told women to have at least eight children. They also introduced incentives for mothers and funding for weddings.