
Rape Survivors Can Track Released Offenders System Initiated By Spain

The government of Spain has taken a step and created a new system through which rape survivors can track the offenders after they are released to ensure their safety. But the question that arises is, will this truly ensure the harassment and rape survivor’s safety?

Anshika Sharma
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The world has never been easy on sexual harassment and rape survivors, may that be about blaming them for what happened or releasing the offenders on various grounds.

The government of Spain has taken a step and created a new system through which rape survivors can track the offenders after they are released to ensure their safety. But the question that arises is, will this truly ensure the harassment and rape survivor’s safety?

Rape Survivors Can Track Released Sex Offenders

In the year 2022, the government of Spain passed a law in which a total of 133 sex offenders and rapists were released from jail. So it will not be wrong to say that the new law passed by Spain’s Equality Ministry is just an attempt to rectify the mistake they already made. The system was announced by Spain's Equality Minister, Irene Montero, in which the survivors can have the access to track every movement of their offenders after they are released with the help of a GPS band which will be worn by the offenders.

Apart from the survivors, the security forces of Spain will also have the access to the location of all the offenders, and in case the offender tries to come in proximity of 500 meters from the survivor, the authorities will be notified about that and immediately help and protection will be provided to the survivor.

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Although the system of GPS is not new in the country it was introduced way back in 2009 to protect women from domestic violence but yet numerous cases were still registered after the implementation of this system. This arises the question if the survivors will be safe with the help of this new system. The very first problematic fact is that the people who commit such horrendous crimes are being released, and second, is giving location access to the survivors going to be really safe or is it just a way to deceive them into thinking that they are safe?

The undeniable fact is that this new system will make the survivors paranoid, they will be in constant fear of the rapists roaming free around them and the fear of what they might do to them. Although the system might have been made to provide some relief to the sexual harassment and rape survivors wasn't keeping the offenders away in jail a better way to make sure of the survivor's security instead of letting them roam out free?

GPS system Rape and Harrasment survivors Spain Equality Ministry