By Binjal Shah
If I had to pick two things I live for - it is the outdoors, and it's my city, Mumbai. So imagine my dismay at a rain-interrupted state-of-affairs, formidable enough to send even a city like Mumbai back into its broken seven-island-like plight. Or so you would think. No other circumstance is a better testimony to Bombay's resilience and spirit, than the way it goes about its routine in rains that would send other cities into emergency situations and week-long holidays.
Mumbai Rains : Drop by Drop
Heck, the routine gets a whole new shade added to it- of eccentricity and of frolic. As offices officially include a garam jalebi break in their schedule; as schools respond to the beckoning winds and take hordes of excited students to the nearest beach. As for me, I have learnt to alter my outdoor exploits to accommodate a little soak-party every so often. And when the deluge gets too threatening, settling in on my window pane looking at these sparkling new pink and green additions to my family make it all worthwhile.
Mumbai Rains: When Everything Comes Alive
Life in their blood
Giving Back To Us: Our Rains View
Mumbai Rains, Not Just For Us