
Telangana: Porn Addict Stones His Daughter To Death For Resisting Rape

A man in Telangana killed his 12-year-old daughter when she resisted rape. The father, a porn addict and alcoholic wanted to enact a scene from a porn video with his daughter. When the girl opposed his advances, he threw her to the ground and hit her with a stone in a forest.

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
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A man in Telangana killed his 12-year-old daughter when she resisted rape. The father, a porn addict and alcoholic, wanted to enact a scene from a porn video with his daughter. When the girl opposed his advances, he threw her to the ground and hit her with a stone in a forest. Leaving her to die, he filed a police complaint stating that his daughter was missing. The incident happened on June 7 in Telangana.


Porn Addict Kills His Daughter For Resisting Rape

As per the reports, the man's family had moved to Miyapur in Hyderabad from Mahubabad district of Telangana. On the day of the incident, the girl said that she wanted to go back to Mahubabad. The father picked her up at 10 am from a local grocery shop. He said that he was taking the girl to her mother. However, he took her to a forest, parking his vehicle in an isolated area. In the forest, the man tried to rape his daughter. But the girl screamed and threatened to tell her mother. 

This enraged the man who pushed his daughter to the ground so hard that she started bleeding. He then hit her with a stone and left her to die. Eleven minutes later, he returned to check if she was dead. To hide his crime, he went home, changed his shirt from red to white and went to the police station. He filed a missing complaint against his daughter to misguide the police. He even told his wife that their daughter was missing. 

When the police began the investigation and search, on June 13, they found a decomposed body of the girl in the forest of Miyapur. The investigation went further when the police came across CCTV footage which showed the man going to the forest with the girl and coming out alone. 

Based on this, the police interrogated the father who confessed to killing his daughter. He was then arrested. As per the reports, the man had revealed his gruesome act to an elder in his native tribal residence. The elder had advised him to surrender at the same time when the police had suspected the father's role in killing the daughter. 

Coming across this incident, one question popped up in my mind - how could a father rape his daughter and kill her because she resisted? We live in a society where the narrative of 'papa ki pari' is quite famous. People believe that the bond between a father and daughter is greater than other bonds. But, unfortunately, even this narrative stands faded today looking at several such cases around us. 


Porn addiction is one issue that needs to be addressed. Many cases are reported in which men rape women just to enact the scenes of the porn. A brother recently raped his younger sister after watching porn. Watching porn is not an issue but letting its fictitious choreography rule the mentality is wrong. Watching porn is not an issue but thinking that sexual urges can be exercised on any woman is wrong. Watching porn is not an issue but internalising its plot of incest, problematic relationship dynamics and lack of consent is wrong. 

Views expressed are the author's own.

Telangana father rapes daughter pornography addiction