
Why Are Parisians Threatening to Poop In the River Seine?

As Paris prepares for the upcoming Olympics, tensions are mounting over the city's efforts to clean the River Seine. What was supposed to be a showcase of environmental progress has instead sparked significant controversy and protest.

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
poop river Seine

Image: File pic by AP

As Paris prepares for the upcoming Olympics, tensions are mounting over the city's efforts to clean the River Seine. What was supposed to be a showcase of environmental progress has instead sparked significant controversy and protest.


The Catalyst: A Missed Swim

Sunday was intended to mark a pivotal moment in the lead-up to the Games, with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo scheduled to swim in the Seine. This event aimed to demonstrate that the water was safe for Olympic athletes. However, Hidalgo postponed her swim until after the French elections in July, a decision that has fueled public frustration.

In response, Parisians have threatened a unique form of protest: defecating in the Seine. This movement, rallying under the hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin ("I shit in the Seine on 23 June"), reflects widespread discontent over the city's priorities. A website supporting the protest features the slogan, "They have plunged us into shit, it's their turn to plunge into our shit," highlighting the anger directed at city officials.

The Roots of Discontent

The anonymous creator of the protest website explained to news outlet Actu Paris that the issue goes beyond just the state of the river. "The problem is that all the resources that have been invested have not been to resolve all the social problems we have at the moment," he said. With over €1.4 billion (£1.2 billion) spent on cleaning the Seine, many Parisians feel neglected and abandoned, seeing this massive expenditure as a misallocation of funds that could address pressing social issues.

Environmental and Social Concerns


A recent report revealed that the water in the Seine still contains high levels of faecal bacteria, including E.coli, failing to meet the standards required for the Olympic Games. This revelation, just weeks before the first scheduled triathlon event, represents the challenges in making the river safe for swimmers.

Broader Olympic Controversies

The Olympics have sparked various other controversies in Paris. Residents are bracing for increased transport costs during the Games, and the city's efforts to clear homeless encampments have led to accusations of attempting to "hide poverty." Additionally, students have been displaced to accommodate Olympic workers, further straining the city's social fabric.

The Future of the Protest

While the protest began as a joke, its underlying message resonates with many Parisians. The website programmer told Actu Paris that although it started humorously, the sentiment is serious: "Nothing is excluded."

As Paris races to prepare for the Olympics, the city's leaders face a complex challenge. Balancing the demands of international event preparation with the needs and frustrations of local residents will be crucial in the coming months. The protest against the Seine clean-up serves as a stark reminder of the broader social issues at play and the importance of addressing them alongside the city's ambitious plans.

2024 Paris Summer Olympics River Seine