
Meet Kyna Khare, 12YO Girl Becomes World's Youngest Female Scuba Diver

A 12-year-old girl from Bengaluru has achieved the title of the world's youngest female master scuba diver. Kyna Khare started diving at the age of 10 and has already gained global recognition.

Tanya Savkoor
New Update
kyna khare

A 12-year-old girl from Bengaluru has reportedly become the world's youngest female master scuba diver. Kyna Khare started diving at 10 and has already gained global recognition. She has certifications in advanced open water certification, underwater photography, specialised Nitrox diving, perfect buoyancy control, rescue diver training, and various other speciality courses. This has secured her the title of Master Diver, which is awarded to young divers who demonstrate exceptional knowledge, proficiency, and dedication.


Meet Kyna Khare

Speaking to Asian News International, Kyna Khare shared that her fascination with the underwater world started two years ago during a visit to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. "It was a tandem dive. I found it fun and did an open-water dive. After that, I finished my open water course in Bali, Indonesia," she shared.

Khare then completed her advanced open water course in Thailand before becoming a master diver in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. She credits her parents for her achievement as it was their love for scuba diving that helped her develop the passion. She thanked them for their immense support in her journey. 

Khare's mother Anshuma said, "Kyna has always been a water baby. She learned to swim at two years of age. We had to drag her out of the pool." While Khare's parents were initially hesitant to let their daughter explore the deep blues, they gave it a shot seeing the little girl's immense love for diving. 


Anshuma expressed, "Through specialised instructors, she could do a first dive. She wanted to do more and get certified. We did not want to push her because we had our fears, but we decided to give it a shot because of her passion. It reinforced our belief that she should follow her passion," she said.

Love For Underwater World

Kyna Khare told ANI about the challenges she faced in her diving journey. Khare explained, "You just do not know what is about to happen. There could be terrible weather, which does not let you see anything. The person you dived with could get lost, and you have to look for them. Sometimes, fish try to attack you."

Narrating a scary experience, she said, "The Andaman and Nicobar Islands were scary because the weather was so bad. I had to do my rescue diving course there. The water was choppy, and there was a heavy storm and rain. I had to dive still inside the water and drag an unconscious diver to the boat 20 meters away."

However, these challenges have not come in the way of her intrigue by the ocean. "It involves so much excitement and fun. Water is my second home, and it is so much fun there. Underwater, it is absolutely amazing. It is very calm and relaxing. The fish also do not do anything to you unless you attack them," she said.

Scuba diving marine life Andaman and Nicobar islands