
Who Was Adithya S Nair? Minor YouTuber Dies By Suicide Over Social Media Trolling

An 18-year-old student who was also a social media influencer died by suicide at her home on June 10 and passed away while undergoing treatment at the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital.

Priya Prakash
New Update
Image: Picture Alliance, iStock

An 18-year-old student who was also a social media influencer died by suicide at her home on June 10 and passed away while undergoing treatment at the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital. The Poojappura police arrested 21-year-old Binoy, an Instagram content creator, from Nedumangad on June 18 in connection with her death. Binoy has been charged under the POCSO Act, and a cyber investigation team has been formed to conduct a thorough investigation.


Kerala: Minor Influencer Dies By Suicide, Friend Booked Under Pocso Act

The minor frequently collaborated with Binoy to create popular reels on social media. However, their relationship deteriorated four months ago. According to the minor’s mother, Binoy allegedly lured her minor daughter through social media. The police conducted a detailed examination of the mobile phones of both the girl and Binoy, finding evidence to support her mother's claims. This led to Binoy's arrest.

The minor's relatives stated that after their breakup, Binoy's followers harassed her on social media platforms, causing her significant mental distress. Additionally, she faced academic challenges, having recently failed two subjects in her Plus-II examinations.

The police revealed that the voice messages allegedly from the minor’s friends suggest that her parents had scolded her for failing her exams and spending excessive time creating reels. Police indicated that the investigation is ongoing and that it is too early to draw definitive conclusions.

The minor’s father expressed strong suspicions that Binoy was responsible for his daughter's death. He called for a thorough investigation to uncover the truth, stating that he does not believe cyberbullying alone caused her death. As the investigation continues, the police will examine all aspects of the case, including the role of cyberbullying and the possible influence of social media pressure.

Similar Heartbreaking Incident


The heartbreaking incident underscores the critical need for support for individuals grappling with the negative impacts of social media trolling and harassment. In a similar incident, a 16-year-old boy from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, tragically ended his life after facing severe bullying for his transition-themed videos on Instagram. The boy, known as Priyanshu Yadav, took his own life at home on November 21, 2023. He was a social media influencer who specialised in makeup and beauty content. His Diwali video, where he transformed his appearance while wearing a saree, received harsh criticism and hate comments.

In a discussion with SheThePeople, popular young social media influencer Jannat Zubair openly addressed the significant and harmful impacts of trolling on social platforms. She shared her own experiences dealing with this pervasive issue, which affects both young people and adults alike. Zubair said, "The hate on social media leaves me speechless at times. Despite harmless content and minding my own business, people find ways to spread negativity. It's hard to completely handle it."

Reflecting on her own journey, Zubair said, "I have had experiences with social media trolls and hate for the past five or six years. Personally, I've reached a stage where encountering such comments is expected, and I'm mentally prepared for it. However, I am concerned for individuals who are just starting their journey on social media, especially those who are younger, like 16 or 17 years old. I hope they don't internalise the negativity, questioning their worth or feeling inadequate."

social media harassment students suicide minor student dies by suicide