Famously known as Lieutenant Pilot, Sachin Pilot is the Minister of Corporate Affairs. An agriculturist before joining the political thunderstorm, Sachin had some interacts with the youth of Delhi at the Young Makers Conclave.
Talking about India, its policies, the society, Mr. Pilot informs the youth about how our ancestors have built a democracy from scratch for everyone today. “In India’s first election in 1952, everyone was given a universal franchise. Even the western countries had to fight to get to a point where every individual was allowed to vote”, says Pilot.
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Sachin Pilot also says, “I refuse to be bogged down by the pessimism in the media.” Politics has come a long way today. Sure, it is noisy, and even competitive, but any concept is a process of evolution that takes a while. The politicians who maintain a balance of global economic trends, policy making, and at the same time has the mind space to be compassionate and has the heartfelt need to reach out to those who are actually in need of change is a successful politician according to Pilot.
Sitting in an AC room is a luxury not many have and proliferation of expectation of the people from the government in India is increasing day by day. A politician is someone who will be able to listen to these demands and expectations and do the principle work of meeting these new hopes and prospects.
Pilot also touched upon the topic of mandatory education qualification for leaders. "In principle, I believe in this idea", says Mr. Pilot. But he also adds that in practicality, adding a mandatory criteria limits a person from representing a community. Education is of course a point that should not be avoided, but many candidates who do get selected do have a loyal following and people believe in them to bring a change. This trust is something that makes a nation work. These are the people who bring out the realities of the grassroots in light of a larger group who probably do not know what happens on the ground. These voices need to be heard and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
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The young need to realise that this democracy did not just take birth out of nowhere. Our forefathers fought for this and brought a concept to us without which we won't be where we are today. The youth need to respect that and participate in the democratic process.