
Chinese Woman Turns Off Life Support For Husband As 'Revenge' For Infidelity

A woman in China sparked debate online after turning off her husband's life support to retaliate against his infidelity. The man had a cerebral haemorrhage at his mistress' home

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
Image Credit: National Institute of Cancer/Unsplash

Image Credit: National Institute of Cancer/Unsplash

In a shocking incident, a woman from China got her husband's life support turned off allegedly as revenge for his infidelity. The 38-year-old husband from Liaoning province has been living with his mistress abandoning his wife. He has been committing infidelity for over ten years. The woman's action has instigated a debate on the internet. Read on to learn more. 


As per the reports, the man suffered from a cerebral haemorrhage at his mistress's place. The mistress took him to the hospital and got him admitted to ICU. After this, she left. The man had to undergo surgery and doctors were looking for the man's relatives for consent. That's when the woman turned up and claimed to be the man's wife.  

The woman refused the husband's treatment

The doctor said that the man had little chance of survival. He was in a coma and there was a minimum chance for him to survive the surgery. The doctor said that medical devices could keep him alive but surgery was not only futile but also costly.

The woman refused to give consent for the man's further treatment. She also asked the doctor to turn off his life support. It is unknown if the man's other relatives were informed of his condition. 

Chinese law of consent for medical treatment

Chinese law allows the patient's close relatives to decide about the patient's medical treatments. The law says that before conducting any medical treatment, the doctors have to obtain consent from the near relatives of the patient. The patient is not allowed to make decisions.  


If the relatives deny the medical treatment, the head of the medical institution will allow the necessary medical steps required. 

The woman's statement on infidelity

The woman said that her husband has been living with his mistress. She knew about her husband's infidelity for over ten years. She also added that the man doesn't care about her and supports her financially. She said that she no longer has any feelings for him.  

Social media reaction

Social media is split in the debate about the woman's actions. 

One Douyin user, the Chinese version of TikTok, said that the woman's action was "heartless". The user said that denying medical treatment was equivalent to giving up on life. 


Another user said that the person's unfaithfulness led to his minimal survival condition. The user called it karma.

The third user said that being faithful to one's wife is important because it is the wife who stays with a man till old age.

infidelity marriage husband