
What Government's Recent Survey Shows About Women's Higher Education

The Ministry of Education recently released the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for the year 2021-2022, showing a 32% increase in female enrollment for higher education since 2014. While the growth is commendable, it highlights a slow pace.

Tanya Savkoor
New Update
College Students, Women Studying

The Indian Ministry of Education recently released its All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) report for the year 2021-22, drawing attention to the changing attitudes of Indian women towards higher education. The survey revealed that female enrollment in higher education has seen a commendable 32% increase since 2014, as 50 lakh more female students enrolled in 2021-22 in the last seven years. In a press release, the Ministry revealed that women from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and minority groups have also been showing a tremendously positive attitude towards enrollment in higher education in the last decade.


According to the Education Ministry's survey, the overall enrollment of students for higher education stood at 4.33 crore in 2021-22. with an increase of 91 lakh students (26.5%) since 2014-15. Women from different backgrounds have been displaying enthusiasm to enrol in higher education, even showing a higher enrollment ratio than men. Here is a breakdown of the data published in the AISHE report 2021-22.

Revelations In AISHE Study

The All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) is an annual web-based survey that reveals the status of college and university education in India. The study was heralded in the academic year 2010-11 and the latest report released on January 24 is its eleventh leg. According to the study, the year 2021-22 displayed a consistently growing optimism towards higher education for women.

Women's Participation In Higher Education

Overall, women from all backgrounds showed an increase from 1.57 crore in 2014-15 to 2.07 crore in 2021-22. This shows a 50 lakh increase in women students' enrollment in the last seven years. 2.01 crore women enrolled in higher education in the academic year 2020-21.

The Ministry also stated that the Gender Parity Index (GPI), the ratio of female Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) to male GER, is 1.01 in 2021-22. GPI has continued to be above 1 since 2017-18 showing that women's enrollment ratio is higher than men for the last five years.


Another notable point reveals women's continued effort to pursue above-par education. The female PhD enrollment has doubled to 0.99 lakh in 2021-22 from 0.48 lakh in 2014-15, showing an increase of 10.4%.

Scheduled Caste Women

Women belonging to Scheduled Castes showed an increase of 31.71 lakh in 2021-22, from 29.01 lakh in 2020-21, and 21.02 lakh in 2014-15. This consistent upward trend has resulted in a 51% increase in SC women's enrollment in higher education since 2014.

Overall SC students showed 44% growth from 2014, with 66.23 lakh in 2021-22 as compared to 46.07 lakh seven years prior.

Scheduled Tribe Women

Scheduled Tribe women showed a whopping 80% surge in higher education enrollment since 2014-15. In the academic year 2021-22, 13.46 lakh ST women applied, as compared to 12.21 lakh in 2020-21 and 7.47 lakh in 2014-15.


Overall, scheduled tribe students across India showed an increase to 27.1 lakh in 2021-22 from 16.41 lakh in 2014-15, optimistically revealing a 65% growth.

OBC Women

In the case of female students belonging to Other Backward Classes, enrollment in higher education has increased to 78.19 lakh in 2021-22 from 52.36 lakh in 2014-15. There has been an overall increase of 49.3% in OBC female student enrolment in the last seven years.

The overall OBC student enrollment rate has gone up by 45%, as 1.63 crore students enrolled in 2021-22 as compared to 1.13 crore in 2014-15. Around 50.8 lakh more students have applied since 2014-15.

Women From Minority Communities

Female minority student enrolment has increased to 15.2 lakh in 2021-22 from 10.7 lakh in 2014-15, revealing 42.3% growth in the last seven years.


Overall, the minority Student enrolment has increased to 30.1 lakh in 2021-22 (by 38%) from 21.8 lakh in 2014-15.

Women From North-Eastern States

The States from India's northeastern region have long been neglected in the education sector. However, women from these States (collectively) have shown 6.07 lakh enrollment in 2021-22, higher than the male enrolment of 5.95 lakh.

Overall enrollment from this region has shown an increase from 9.36 lakh in 2014-15 to 12.02 lakh in 2021-22. 

women in higher education women's education minorities