
Ahmedabad: 8-Year-Old Girl Set To Take Diksha In Surat

Aangi Bagrech will be taking Diksha on 31st April. With this, she will become one of the youngest people to take diksha in the country

Charvi Kathuria
New Update
Girl takes Diksha
Girl takes Diksha: You must have heard of middle-aged or old men and women renouncing the materialistic world and taking diksha. But how would you react if we tell you that an eight-year-old girl from Ahmedabad has decided to walk the path of monkhood ? Aangi Bagrech will be taking Diksha on 31st April. The event will take place at Shree Ram Pavanbhumi in Pal. With this, she will become one of the youngest people to take diksha in the country.

What triggered her to do so?

She started living with Jai monks during the COVID-induced lockdown when her school remained closed and was highly inspired by the disciplined lifestyle of monks. She liked how they followed strict rules and regulations. That's how she decided to walk on this path herself.

Aangi Bagrech will be taking Diksha on 31st April. With this, she will become one of the youngest people to take diksha in the country.

In an interview, Aangi's father explained that she was tested by the gurus who realized that she was eligible to become a monk. According to them, she managed to successfully spend two years with monks and could do so for her remaining life as well.

Demand for Diksha

She refused all materialistic possessions including mobile phones, precious stones, and gifts. Five months ago, she sat on a nine-day-fast and demanded for diksha.


She started living with Jai monks during the COVID-induced lockdown when her school remained closed and was highly inspired by the disciplined lifestyle of monks. She liked how they followed strict rules and regulations. That's how she decided to walk on this path herself.

The father also explained how her aunt took Diksha in the past and has been a source of motivation for his daughter to do the same. He is proud of the fact that a girl from his family is taking this step. She will be taking Diksha under the guidance of Vijay Hemprabh Suriswarji.

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Aangi Bagrech Diksha Shree Ram Pavanbhumi Vijay Hemprabh Suriswarji