
8 Important Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Menopause

When you're in menopause, it's important to ask your gynaecologist key questions to help manage your health and symptoms. Here are some important areas to discuss

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Indian gynaecologists often shy away from preparing women for peri-menopause for several reasons. One key factor is the lack of focus on menopause education in medical training. Many gynaecologists, while trained to handle pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health issues, may not emphasise menopause as a critical phase requiring detailed counselling. This leads to a gap in awareness about the specific symptoms and challenges of peri-menopause, and as a result, the topic is often glossed over in consultations.


Cultural factors also play a role. In India, discussions about aging and related health concerns, especially those affecting women, can sometimes be seen as uncomfortable or taboo. Conversations around menopause are not as open as other reproductive issues, and there is a tendency to prioritise immediate medical concerns over long-term transitions like peri-menopause. This cultural hesitation may cause some doctors to avoid engaging in deeper conversations about menopausal symptoms unless explicitly asked.

Dr Nozer Sheriar based in Mumbai believes in the value of spreading awareness and providing trusted information about menopause. He highlights that many women are unaware of the symptoms and potential health risks, making it essential for them to receive education and support during this life stage​

Moreover, time constraints in clinical practice often limit the depth of discussion. Gynaecologists may prioritise more acute issues due to the volume of patients they see, leading to shorter consultations. Unfortunately, peri-menopause, with its varied symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, may not always be addressed unless the patient insists on discussing it. This leaves many women, like yourself, feeling unprepared for this significant life stage.

When you're in menopause, it's important to ask your gynaecologist key questions to help manage your health and symptoms.

Here are some important areas to discuss

  1. Hormone Therapy Options:

    Ask about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and whether it's suitable for you. Learn about the benefits, risks, and alternative treatments if you prefer not to use hormones.

  2. Managing Symptoms:

    Discuss the various symptoms you may be experiencing, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, or vaginal dryness. Ask for recommendations on how to manage these symptoms through lifestyle changes, medications, or other therapies.

  3. Bone Health:

    Since menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis, ask about bone density tests, calcium and vitamin D intake, and exercises that can help protect your bones.

  4. Heart Health:

    Menopause can affect heart health, so inquire about how to maintain cardiovascular health, including diet, exercise, and whether any additional screenings or tests are needed.

  5. Vaginal and Sexual Health:

    Ask about how to manage vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, or a decrease in libido. There are various treatments, including lubricants, estrogen creams, and non-hormonal options.

  6. Weight and Metabolism Changes:

    Menopause can impact metabolism and lead to weight gain. Ask for advice on maintaining a healthy weight, exercise routines, and dietary changes to manage these changes.

  7. Mental and Emotional Well-being:

    Hormonal changes can affect mood, leading to anxiety or depression. Ask your gynaecologist about how to manage mental health and whether therapy, medication, or support groups might be helpful.

  8. Screenings and Tests:

    Ensure you're up-to-date with important screenings like mammograms, pelvic exams, and colonoscopies. Ask if any additional tests are needed based on your age and symptoms.


Using Gytree’s menopause protein, combined with full-time access to a Gytree health coach, made my perimenopause journey much more manageable and comfortable. The plant protein, enriched with vital minerals and vitamins, helped address my fatigue and bone health, keeping my energy levels steady throughout the day.

Dr Sudeshna Ray, Medical Director at Gytree reflects on how women need a guided program that combines nutrition, protein, consultations and connected care, “Menopause is 15 years of your life.”

Having a Gytree health coach to guide me through each stage of perimenopause was invaluable. They offered personalized advice, tailored to my specific symptoms, and helped me make adjustments in my diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. With their continuous support and the right nutrition from the menopause protein, I felt more in control of my health and better equipped to manage the hormonal shifts. This holistic approach truly made my perimenopause experience far more fruitful and less overwhelming.

Perimenopause Menopause