
Why Are More Young People Drawn Towards Energy Healing?

Practising gratitude and forgiveness is at the core of energy healing, as this clears your mind of all negativity, rejuvenates your body, and purifies your soul for abundance and growth in life. 

Siddhii Shaah
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Creator: metamorworks | Credit: Getty Images

Have you ever observed how certain people's presence can brighten your day? Or a 5-year-old’s lively presence can add vitality to a dull room. And when you enter a place of worship, doesn’t a sense of peace spread throughout your body? Prana, the vital force of life, lies at the heart of these phenomena. Manifesting in all life forms, it unites the mind, body, and spirit into a unified whole.


When your mind, body, and spirit are in perfect harmony with a continuous flow of this vital life force across channels called “nadis”, it leads to holistic well-being. In such a state, you can conquer the world and reach your full potential. It lets you experience a stream of content like no other and instils compassion, kindness, and empathy in you. 

The energy flow is directly affected by the circumstances, your thoughts, and the actions you take. From what you think before going to bed to the first thought you have when you wake up, the energy flow is constantly changing. This flow is contagious, which is why being around positive people can brighten your day. However, when this life-giving force is disrupted or blocked, it manifests as physical ailments, emotional distress, and spiritual disconnect. Energy healing aims to restore a state of equilibrium by channelling positive energy, releasing blockages, or extracting accumulated negativity from the flow of life. This allows the body to start its natural healing process.

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing can be self-administered. This involves techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and mantra chanting that allow the inflow of calm and peace and channel out the negative energy before it starts to plague the mind, body, and soul. Practising gratitude and forgiveness is at the core of this practice, as this clears your mind of all negativity, rejuvenates your body, and purifies your soul for abundance and growth in life. 

If you find that practising deep breathing, meditation, and mantra chanting is improving your life, you may also try other well-liked energy healing methods like Reiki. Reiki is a practice wherein healers focus on channelling the universal life force energy to the client by hovering their hands over the client’s body. 

Common reasons why people seek spiritual healing


Today, we have bound ourselves with mental chains of perfectionism, unrealistic expectations, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, comparison with others, and several unprocessed past traumas. Additionally, it would not be an exaggeration to say that finding a person with burnout is as easy as finding sand in a desert. What appears to be causing this epidemic is the fast-paced world and the desire to be an overachiever, which causes people to lose social connections. Induced by a toxic tendency towards negative self-talk, these give rise to a disconnection between us, our inner soul, and the outer world, or, in layman's terms, an identity crisis.

People may turn to social media for comfort, but the superficial relationships and exposure to "highly idealized representations'' of other people generate feelings of emptiness, loneliness, and inadequacy, as well as jealousy and envy. Ultimately, they become empty vessels held captive by the money-driven world, having had no time to connect with the deepest sanctorum of your heart. Eventually, the accumulation of such negative energy within breaks down the person’s spiritual energy and, eventually, their mind and body.

At this juncture, people realise the importance of energy healing. As energy healing restores the state of equilibrium within our body, mind, and soul, it is a holistic solution for a variety of life problems. People seek energy healing for a range of purposes: to treat mental health issues and achieve holistic well-being; to address physical illnesses such as heart disease, the flu, viruses, common colds, and so on; and to pursue spiritual wellness and healing. 

For those interested in energy healing, it is important to keep in mind that this is a personal path and not a one-time treatment. It must be maintained and sustained through and through. Have faith in the procedure and your inherent capacity for self-healing. Remember, healers bring happiness and joy to every home, helping members to lead a peaceful life that is less about worrying and more of a celebration of simplicity and contentment. Healing allows you to stop dwindling in the past and look ahead to a bright future.

Stressors are inescapable, no matter the era. What makes a difference is resilience, social support, and inner strength. If we let negative energy accumulate for too long without focusing on healing, our wounds will only deepen. People who understand this fundamental concept realize the importance of spiritual healing and seek help from healers. Once people understand the world within them, they start having a sense of belonging, and the seemingly never-ending sufferings subside. With self-awareness, the identity crisis resolves, and an understanding of personal needs, wants, and actions emerges.

This article is an attempt to inspire readers to take those baby steps towards self-healing: giving your soul the importance it has always deserved, healing emotional wounds, forgiving yourself for the past, moving from regrets and the vicious cycle of “what if” thinking and being the best version of yourself for your friends and family. With energy healing, you not only benefit yourself but also get the motivation to touch the lives around you and start a positive ripple effect for generations to come.


Views expressed are an expert's take on the topic.

Authored by Siddhii Shaah, Healer, Angel Card Reader, Spiritual Energy Activation Coach, and Founder of Yana's Healing Studio

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