
Ice Bath Benefits: Why Are So Many Celebs Taking Cold Water Plunge?

Ice baths or cold water immersion is catching popularity courtesy of social media and some celebrities who vouch for its health benefits. Here's everything you need to know about this chilly practice.

Priya Prakash
New Update
What Are Ice Baths

Many Hollywood and Bollywood stars have jumped on the ice bath trend. Kim Kardashian, Neha Sharma, Alaya F, Credit: Instagram

Many Hollywood and Bollywood stars have jumped on the ice bath trend, sharing videos and photos of their icy plunges on Instagram. They've talked about their experiences, sparking curiosity about this chilly practice. Everyone is now wondering what ice baths are all about and why they’ve become so popular. Here's everything you need to know about this cool craze.


As the name suggests, ice baths involve submerging the body in icy cold water for a brief period, usually around three to five minutes. 

What Are Ice Baths?

An ice bath is a therapy where the body is immersed in ice-cold water, typically between 10 and 15 °C (50 and 59 °F). The cold temperature causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the affected areas and decreasing swelling and inflammation. Individuals, especially those in endurance sports or weightlifting, often use ice baths as part of their recovery routine.



This cold therapy technique, often used by actors and athletes, can help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness and improve recovery. But are these benefits backed by science?

Reduced Inflammation and Muscle Soreness

One of the main benefits of ice baths is that they reduce inflammation and muscle soreness. Intense physical activity can cause tiny tears in muscle tissue, leading to inflammation and pain. Ice baths help by constricting blood vessels, which reduces blood flow and minimises swelling and pain, allowing quicker recovery from workouts.

Faster Recovery

Ice baths also speed up the recovery process. By reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow, ice baths deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to damaged muscle tissue, aiding in healing. This helps individuals recover faster between training sessions, enabling them to perform at their best.


Improved Circulation

Another benefit of ice baths is improved circulation. When exposed to cold temperatures, blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow. Upon re-warming, blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow and promoting circulation. This process delivers crucial nutrients and oxygen to muscles and tissues, enhancing recovery.

Reduced Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

DOMS, characterised by muscle pain and stiffness that occurs hours or days after exercise, is common among athletes. Ice baths can reduce the severity of DOMS by decreasing inflammation and improving circulation, helping athletes get back to their training routines sooner.

Improved Mental Health

Ice baths can positively affect mental health by triggering the release of endorphins, natural mood boosters. This can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting well-being and relaxation. Additionally, ice baths can improve sleep, which is crucial for overall mental and physical health.

Enhanced Immune Function

Cold exposure from ice baths can boost immune function by increasing the number and activity of immune cells that fight infections and diseases. This can enhance overall immunity and reduce the risk of illness.

How Often Should You Take Ice Baths?

While beneficial, ice baths should be used with caution and moderation. The frequency of ice baths depends on individual needs, goals, and physical condition. For athletes or those engaging in intense physical activity, ice baths once or twice a week can be helpful. However, individuals should listen to their bodies and adjust the frequency as needed. If excessive discomfort or pain occurs, the frequency or duration of ice baths should be reduced.

For beginners or those with certain medical conditions, it’s best to start with shorter exposure times and gradually increase. Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended, especially for those with medical histories like heart disease or Raynaud's disease.

Risks and Drawbacks of Ice Baths

Discomfort and Pain

Ice baths can be uncomfortable and even painful, especially for those not accustomed to cold temperatures. Cold water exposure can cause shivering, numbness, and, in some cases, skin damage, making it difficult to endure for long periods.

Risk of Injury

Prolonged cold water exposure can increase the risk of injury, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions. The cold can cause blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow and increasing the risk of tissue damage, especially for those with circulatory problems or Raynaud's disease.

Potential Negative Effects on Muscle Adaptation

While ice baths reduce inflammation and soreness, they might interfere with the natural muscle adaptation process, which is essential for building strength and endurance. Some research suggests that ice baths could limit the benefits of exercise by disrupting this process.

Moreover, Ice baths require significant water and energy, impacting the environment negatively, especially if the water isn’t recycled or reused.

Ice Baths Ice Bathing