
5 Tips To Survive A Long Haul Flight

Public conveyance often becomes synonymous with discomfort and a little uneasiness. All of this gets worse when your travel time gets doubled and the seat space gets twice reduced.

Paawani Gupta
New Update
Pete ark, Image Credit: Getting Images by Pete Ark

Image Credit: Getting Images by Pete Ark

Public conveyance often becomes synonymous with discomfort and a little uneasiness. All of this gets worse when your travel time gets doubled and the seat space gets twice reduced.


5 Tips To Survive A Long Flight

The stress of a long flight/ journey can be dreadful if it is overnight. While some find solace in music, others dread and feel irritated most of the time. For fellow travellers and all travel enthusiasts who seem to pack their bags and fly through the skies at every opportunity might find the listicle on 5 tips on surviving a long flight helpful.

1. Book Tickets in Advance For Your Comfort 

This is a very important step in enjoying your expected flight. Booking your seats in advance not only gives you an added advantage to choosing your seats according to your comfort but also to avoid any unwanted passengers in your travel leisure. Many travellers book the aisle and window seat leaving the middle seat free. In these cases, not many people book that lone middle seat leaving for the former travellers to enjoy a 3-seat flight. Booking in advance also lets you choose a suitable time on all the early flights.

2. Your Dressing and De-Stress Plan Before Boarding 

This might be one of the most important steps in this 5-step listicle. The way you dress before your flight sets the precedence for comfort during your long flight.  Wearing baggy and loose clothes is the best choice along with carrying a blanket/ jacket and a pillow. While some airlines do give blankets and pillows, it is always recommended to carry your own. To de-stress before boarding is to enjoy and relax yourself. Go through the security check one hour or more before boarding, giving you considerable time to unwind and energise before your flight. 


3. Load Up on Entertainment and Podcasts

This step is extremely helpful for a long-hour flight where your entertainment system on a flight doesn't work. It is always better to pre-download movies and series on your tablet and laptop. Downloading podcasts and also a healthy alternative for many people along with music. It is also advisable to fully charge your electronics before your flight and one way to do that is to not use your phone before boarding and to charge your phone while in the airport.

4. Dealing with Kids

If you are a parent and will be travelling with a kid, this is your key to a happy long flight. Kids do not enjoy sitting at a desk for 5 or more hours in a metal box with cramped space and frustrated strangers. To help your kids enjoy a long flight, you must carry a drawing or a colouring book for them along with a few travel-size games. It is best recommended to also carry snacks and meals for your kids and keep them nourished and satisfied. Another tip is to make them go to sleep for a few hours. Energised kids do not keep calm and that is the last thing we need. 

5. Your Health and Body

It is imperative that you keep your body nourished at all times even during such long-haul flights. To keep your gut health happy you should eat plant-based and light foods with proteins, fruits and vegetables. In a long-haul flight eating heavy foods can cause irritation and stomach panic. Being hydrated is of utmost importance and you should drink water every time the air host offers you some.


In some time intervals it is also necessary to move and stretch your body when the seat belt sign is off. This would relax your muscles and loosen your body giving you much needed relaxation. Another tip is to pack moisturisers and creams and toothbrush/ mouthwash if you intend on travelling overnight for 6 or more hours. This will keep you fresh and calm. 

Long Flight travelling air travel