
Why Are Tiktokers Stuffing Fridge With Chanel Bags? New Decor Trend Explained

Catch the mad fridgescaping/ fridge decor trend that has been making the rounds on TikTok. But is beautifying a storage unit practical? Lets find out.

Mahi Adlakha
New Update
TikTokers Fridgescaping trend by RealHomes and Good Housekeeping

Image credits Real Homes and Good Housekeeping

Are you guilty of following home decor pages on Instagram and TikTok all day long? Well, we've brought you a madder trend that might relieve you of some of the guilt. Decorating the insides of your fridge or as the Tiktokers say, Fridgescaping. 


What is Fridgescaping?

Fridgescaping is basically decorating the insides of your fridge to change its appearance and the associated look and feel of it from within. It means arranging the items that are home to the fridge such as groceries, food, milk etc. But here's the fun part, you also add on a bunch of stuff that has no meaning being inside a fridge. So here goes your teddy bear, candles, show-pieces, bags, lipsticks and every cute nothing you can find!

Commencement of the crazy: The first fridgescaping instance

In 2010, there was a blogger called Good Life of Design. She had this innovative idea and once blurted it out on her live page, "Why not make your everyday food nice by putting it in pretty containers."

Her intention was to give the housewives and home-makers a relief from foul smells and withery sights they sometimes had to encounter in the kitchen. She had a simple idea to just revamp and organise what was already present in the kitchen. But today it has become a "chaotic city." The decorations are overpowering the purpose of the refrigerator.

Why do TikTokers wanna decorate fridges? They have more reasons than you may think


As per Bishop, the woman behind the incredibly inspiring and awe-worthy decor tips account, @houseofbishop decorate the insides of their fridge to get a rush of dopamine. Also, people's digital trips to her beautiful fridge has racked her 900,000 views!

"Yes, we should all just smile because of the fact that we got food in our fridge. But also what would create the extra dopamine hit when you open the fridge door?" She says. 

Another fridgescape frontier is Lynzi Zudish. She further defended her fridge decor themes and said it makes her eat more mindful and healthy. She also said how this has led to her using more green veggies and produce from her home garden. "It makes me want to cook more and be more experimental with my stuff."

It feels worthy to mention it at this point that Zudish actually has a Bridgeton-themed decor fridge. She jokingly calls it, "Fridgeton. Yup, that was clever. 


What are TikTokers using to beautify fridges?

Well, the madness that lies within these fridges shall be a treat to your ears and eyes. Till now, we have seen fridges being stuffed with Flowers, vases, Antiques, fairy lights, teddy bears, cute show pieces, candles, mirrors, scented candles, handwritten notes and to top the crazy, Chanel Bags. 

Pretty NOT practical 

Frankly speaking, a string of fairy lights lighting up the insides of an aesthetically cut plate of apples is in no way helping the shelf life of the food materials. 

Some lifestyle websites even suggest that this may be harmful and can deplete the quality of food inside the fridge. "Decanting new items, like milks can actually expose them to new bacteria if you aren't careful and make them spoil faster," writes


They also made the great point that fruits and vegetables continuously expel moisture. What business do batteries have in the land where moisture is being expelled every second?

Also, the pretty and aesthetically pleasing stuff has only one use, to be looked at. If it's stuffed inside the fridge, its pleasing quality goes to waste. They are also ecologically heaving and wasteful. 

TikTokers defend their trend

Per Bishop, the @houseofbishop creator was the first to launch a defence. She says it is aesthetically pleasing and dopamine-inducing. 

"I think people get confused very easily. It seems like they think when I'm doing grocery shopping, I am individually shopping for those items too. Several things are reused. I also own an event decor business, so I have a lot of these items on hand as is," she says. 

So what is your ultimate opinion on this mad trend? Is it crazy beautiful or just crazy? 

modern tiktok trends TikTok trend