
Ultimate Guide To Maintaining Your Hair Extensions: Dos And Don'ts

This guide will go through the dos and don'ts of hair extension care, so you can follow these tips to get your locks looking luscious and healthy.

Mani Tyagi
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Mani Tyagi

Hair extensions are rapidly becoming the must-use procedure for adding that extra length and volume, along with some style, which oozes out of your hair. Maintenance of your clip-ins, tape-ins, or keratin-bonded hair extensions is the most important thing to make them look fabulous and last as long as possible. This guide will go through the dos and don'ts of hair extension care, so you can follow these tips to get your locks looking luscious and healthy.


Dos and Donts of Maintaining Hair Extensions 

Brush Your Extensions Regularly

Regular combing or brushing is one of the most important steps. Use a special loop brush, designed for extensions, with a soft bristle to untangle the hair. Begin brushing at the ends, moving up towards the roots, being careful not to get too close in order to avoid the bonds of the extensions and, in turn, pull on them, which could cause breakage. You will want to brush your extensions at least twice daily to avoid tangling and matting, thus keeping your hair smooth and manageable.

Never Sleep with Wet Hair Extensions

Damp hair extensions should never be slept in, as the moisture in the hair leads to tangling, which in turn leads to matting and knotting that progresses to breakage. Always make sure your extensions are completely dry prior to bedtime. You can air-dry them, or use a blow dryer with low heat. Furthermore, as an added measure to prevent your hair extensions from tangling while you sleep is to loosely braid your hair or even wrap it in a silk scarf. This significantly reduces friction and, therefore, tangling. Always remove your clip in hair extensions before sleeping.

Do: Be Gentle When Washing Your Extensions


It is essential to properly wash your hair extensions in order to keep them clean and fresh. Overwashing can cause your extensions to lose their natural oils and eventually dry out. Ideally, you should wash your extensions no more than 2 to 3 times a week. Use a sulfate-free, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner that gently cleans your hair without drying it out. While washing, be gentle and focus more on the roots and bonds. Do not scrub the extensions harshly.

Don't: Use Thick Oils or Serums

While it can be tempting to add shine and smoothness to your extensions with oils or serums, heavy products can weigh the extensions down and cause buildup. If it is really necessary to apply any styling product, then use a lightweight, water-based formula that doesn't make your hair look and feel greasy or coated. Do not put such products close to the roots and bonds to avoid them slipping or loosening.

Do: Use Heat Protection Before Styling

If you love to style your extensions using heat from straighteners or curling irons, always use a heat protectant spray first. Excessive heat can damage your real hair and your extensions, making them dry and split at the ends. A good heat protectant would put up a barrier between the heat and your hair, hence minimizing chances of damage while at the same time ensuring that the extensions remain healthy and shiny.

Don't: Over style with heat


While heat protectants can help reduce damage, the level of actual heat styling should be kept to a minimum. Overstyling with these tools can weaken your extensions and make them lose their shine. Try and incorporate a few heat-free styling methods, such as braiding your hair to achieve waves or using rollers to curl the hair. If you must use a heat tool, leave it on a low to medium setting and avoid daily usage.

Did: Have Your Maintenances Done by Your Stylist

Having your hair extensions done means you also need to come back for extension maintenance from your hair stylist. In most kinds of extensions, it is advisable to do reinstalling or adjusting from 6-8 weeks. Your stylist can identify any damage or wear and tear and give you professional advice on the best practices for taking care of whatever type of extensions you use. This routine maintenance will extend the lifetime of your extensions and keep them looking their best.

Don't: Neglect Your Natural Hair

While taking great care of your extensions is important, be sure to not forget about the care of your natural hair underneath. Be sure to cleanse your scalp and keep it moist, as this is the main base for hair growth. You can do a gentle scrub on your scalp or use an exfoliating shampoo at least once a week to remove the buildup, and apply some light leave-in conditioner or hair mask into your natural hair. Healthy natural hair equals a long life and appearance with good-looking extensions.

Do: Store Your Extensions Properly


Proper storage is one of the main ways through which you will be able to keep your clip-in extensions in good shape. Clip-ins have to be taken off, without fail, before sleeping and put in a cool, dry place—whether you use a storage bag, box, or any of its kind, to protect it from dust and tangling. Make sure that the extensions are totally dry before storing; damp hair encourages mold and really bad odors.

Don't Skip Professional Removal

When it comes to the removal of your extensions, always go to a professional stylist. Removal of bonded or taped extensions by self-effort, as it is, may result in serious damage to your natural hair. A stylist will be able to do this in the safest manner using proper tools and techniques so that no breakage or loss of hair occurs.

Proper hair extension care need not be such a hassle. The following do's and don'ts will allow your extensions to remain beautiful and naturally looking for weeks on end and perhaps even months. Remember, at the end of the day, an answer to long-lasting extensions can be minute after minute of regular care and attention. Treat your hair extension just like you would your natural hair, with lots of love and care, and it shall reward you in its glory. Proper maintenance should have you enjoying your hair extensions as a gorgeous part of your beauty routine.

Authored by Mani Tyagi, Co-Founder and Creative Force Behind Gemeria Hair

Hair Care Hair care tips Hair Extensions