
Key To Sejal Kumar's Successful Decade In Creation? Taking 'Influence' Seriously

The youth influencer, now a singer-songwriter and actor, Sejal Kumar, sat down with SheThePeople to reflect on her decade-long journey in content creation.

Priya Prakash
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Sejal Kumar

Sejal Kumar

Sejal Kumar started her journey in the world of content at a time when the word "influencer" wasn't used a lot, at least not in the digital space. Known for leading the way in content creation, she earned the Best Blogger Award in 2018 and followed it up with the Best Lifestyle Blogger Award in 2019. Her fashion prowess earned her the Fashion Account of the Year 2018 from Instagram and the Instagrammer of the Year for Fashion in 2019. 


The youth influencer, now a singer-songwriter and actor, Sejal Kumar, sat down with SheThePeople to reflect on her decade-long journey in content creation.

Reflecting on her path, she shares, "I started when I was 19, and now, at 29, I’m incredibly proud of myself for taking the risks that allowed me to evolve. My early days as a fashion blogger were all about experimenting with styles and expressing my personality through outfits. As I gained confidence and followers, I started exploring other passions like acting, which allowed me to tell stories in a different format. Transitioning into music was a natural progression for me, as I’ve always loved singing and songwriting. Each phase of my career has taught me something valuable and contributed to my development."

Sejal Kumar - A Journey Of Self-Discovery

She acknowledges that her content has changed significantly over the years. Despite this evolution, she has always stayed true to herself and focused on being creative and performing. She notes that one constant thread has remained over the past decade, "Looking back, I realise that storytelling and performing have been a constant in all of my accomplishments, whether it’s fashion, music, or acting content. This evolution reflects my growth as a person and an artist."

Kumar, one of India's most versatile creators, shares what drives her to explore different genres of content creation and how she believes this versatility has contributed to her success in the influencer industry. She says, "My true calling is to be creative. Growing up, I loved singing, dancing, and all forms of art. Through my content and career, I’ve managed to bring these dreams to life. I make music, direct my music videos, act in shows, and tell stories through my short film series #1MinDrama, which I direct."


When you're passionate about something, it's a two-way relationship where your passion never leaves you and you never detach from it. Kumar's passion for creativity has always been a part of her. It has helped her navigate the competitive world of influence. She reveals, "This versatility has been key to my success because it keeps my work fresh and exciting. I genuinely love creating, and that passion has kept me motivated through all the ups and downs, driving me to continually grow my brand and expand into new areas. Exploring different genres allows me to reach a wider audience and keeps my content diverse."

Balancing Authenticity and Commercial Content

However, if a creator is passionate about their work but lacks relatability, it can be challenging to find and maintain an audience over the long term, especially in the era of paid partnership content. Kumar agrees with this sentiment and explains, "Relatability is crucial in maintaining and growing an audience. From the start, my brand strategy has been 90% organic content and 10% brand content. This ensures that my audience gets enough authentic content to enjoy without feeling overwhelmed by ads. When I do include ads, I weave them into my storytelling to keep them engaging. My audience understands that this is our revenue source and is more open to it."

To balance content for her loyal followers and attract new ones, Kumar creates series like #1MinDrama and new songs for her core fans while also producing relatable videos to draw in new followers. The topics she covers, such as love, anxiety, self-doubt, and relationships, are universal and help to attract a broader audience. Her strategy is to stay consistent with the type of content that initially drew people to her platform while also experimenting with new ideas that can attract a different demographic.


How to Avoid Burnouts?

Conceptualising, creating, posting, and repeating this cycle for ten years can feel repetitive. However, taking a break might severely affect algorithms and audience connections. Kumar shares how she manages to take breaks without worrying about their impact on algorithms and audience engagement.

I've learned to take breaks without fear. I used to worry about short-term dips and highs but, with age, I've gained the courage to focus on the bigger picture. Hiring a team has made a huge difference, allowing me to take breaks while they manage the workload. We plan and execute content in advance, so if I need to travel or take a breather, everything still runs smoothly. This strategic approach has been a game-changer for maintaining balance in my life and career.

She adds, "Taking breaks is essential for creativity and avoiding burnout. I've realised that it's okay to step back and recharge. These breaks often lead to better content because I come back with fresh ideas and renewed energy. It's also important to trust your audience—they understand that creators need time off and are usually very supportive. By being transparent and honest with them, I've been able to maintain their trust and engagement, even when I take a break."

Sejal Kumar, the influencer who has been rocking the scene for over a decade, shares what worked out for her in her journey and offers tips for those who want to become influencers or are already on their way.

  • Remember that success doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s the consistent effort and dedication that will set you apart in the long run.
  • Stay authentic, be patient, and keep evolving; these are the keys to establishing yourself in the industry and overcoming any challenges that come your way.
  • Always strive to maintain a balance between organic and branded content, ensuring that your audience receives genuine and engaging stories.
  • Keep evolving and regularly check in with yourself to ensure what you’re doing aligns with your values.
  • Lastly, don’t let hate comments affect you too much. The influencer industry can be particularly challenging for women, with obstacles like gender bias and societal expectations. Be resilient and do not let negative feedback deter you.

As we wrap up the conversation, Kumar leaves with a promising note, "I’m so excited to see where this journey takes me next. For me, it’s all about embracing change and continuing to grow."

Content Creators Sejal Kumar fashion content creator