
It's Time Women Rewarded Their Wins

For far too long, women have undermined their own victories, and attribute their wins to other factors and people. Not anymore.

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Caratlane Article

For far too long, women have undermined their own victories, and attribute their wins to other factors. Their hesitation in marking their own milestones stemmed from the cultural upbringing of not speaking which was equated to boasting one's achievements. Not anymore. They are now reeling in a cultural shift from the WE to establishing the ME. The ME is reflected through the need to discover new skills, and hidden talents and become multifaceted. 


It’s about celebrating their own achievements and embracing self-recognition, and CaratLane has enabled that for many in this era. CaratLaneone of India's leading jewellery brands, recently launched a campaign called #WearYourWins, encouraging women to reward themselves for their milestones, small or big, personal or professional.

CaratLane Asks Women To Wear Their Wins

Despite working hard and juggling numerous responsibilities, women often hesitate to appreciate themselves, their success, and their milestones. CaratLane's #WearYourWins campaign attempts to change this narrative and nudge women to celebrate all their achievements.

The face of #WearYourWins is content creator Nancy Tyagi, who recently stunned us at the Cannes Film Festival in a self-stitched gown and eye-catching CaratLane jewellery that added to the flair of her ensemble. Coming from a small town to catching the spotlight at a global event, her achievement exemplifies the spirit of the campaign.

Jennifer Pandya, the Vice President of Marketing at CaratLane, noted, “Enabling our customers to express themselves is our brand’s purpose. While most women are quick to appreciate their loved ones and their achievements, they are hesitant to acknowledge their wins, whether personal or professional."

Pandya cited a study by CaratLane with Quantum*, according to which only 3 out of 10 women, celebrated their wins. She expressed, "As a brand that champions expressions, we wanted to urge women to stop undermining their wins and rather reward themselves."


"We see this as a cultural movement rather than a campaign,” Pandya added. The #WearYourWins initiative aims to empower women to express their achievements proudly and recognise their worth through meaningful gestures. This was conceptualised and conceived by the advertising firm BBH India. 

Parikshit Bhattaccharya, Chief Creative Officer of BBH India, said, “Research has confirmed some disheartening facts-- Women discount their efforts; they don’t acknowledge their achievements or celebrate their wins enough. CaratLane is a trailblazer in what it enables through its many innovations. It is only fitting that it is the first jewellery brand to inspire women to celebrate their victories through #WearYourWins."

Through #WearYourWins, CaratLane reminds women to create a cultural shift and flaunt their wins. Bhattaccharya noted, "The initiative comprises a film, social interventions, and many more executions to inspire women to adorn their wins with jewellery like dazzling tattoos, as reminders of wins that are important to them!" 

This article is published in partnership with CaratLane India. *Based on an external study by Quantum: 28-45 years old, NCCS A, Female category buyers only*

jewellery Reward Self Recognition women celebrating wins Caratlane