
Top 10 Signs You're In Perimenopause: What To Watch For

Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause when a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider

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Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause when a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes. It can begin several years before menopause and lasts until menopause, the point when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. But how do you know you're in perimenopause? Recognising the signs and symptoms can help you navigate this life stage more smoothly. 


One of the first hallmarks would be mental health changes, says Dr Mary Claire, author of The New Menopause. Another sign she points out that acts as a signal is your waist size increasing and that's a sign to work on nutrition. 

Physically speaking, some of the early signs of perimenopause can be changes in your menstrual cycle. You might notice your periods becoming irregular—either shorter or longer, or perhaps more or less frequent. This is due to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels.

I couldn't predict when my period would come anymore; it was all over the place. That was one of the first clues that I was entering perimenopause.” — Arzoo Mohan, 47 shares.

Signs That You're in Perimenopause

Another common symptom is hot flashes. These sudden feelings of warmth, often accompanied by sweating and a red, flushed face, can occur at any time, day or night. Night sweats, hot flashes during sleep, can disrupt your rest and leave you tired during the day. 

Changes in Mood: Many women report mood swings, irritability, or increased risk of depression during perimenopause.

Sleep Problems: Insomnia or trouble sleeping through the night can be exacerbated by night sweats.

Vaginal Dryness: Lower estrogen levels can cause vaginal tissues to become drier and thinner, leading to discomfort during sex.

Weight Gain: Hormonal changes can lead to gaining weight, particularly around the abdomen.

Decreased Fertility: With a decline in regular ovulation, getting pregnant becomes more difficult.


It's important to consult with your healthcare provider to confirm if the symptoms you're experiencing are related to perimenopause and to discuss the best ways to manage them. Explore Gytree's experts here.

Perimenopause early menopause