
How Disha Mathur, 27, Overcame Vitamin D Deficiency Through Protein-Rich Nutrition

“I was experiencing frequent fatigue and joint pain, but I never thought it could be due to Vitamin D deficiency. It wasn’t until I consulted a doctor I realised how crucial it was," shares 27-year-old marketing professional Disha Mathur

Protein Puff Girl
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vitamin d

Imagine this scenario: You wake up feeling tired despite having had a full night's sleep. Your bones ache, and the sunny skies outside seem more irritating than uplifting. Meet Disha Mathur, a 27-year-old marketing professional from Mumbai, experiencing these exact symptoms. Little did she know that the root cause of these issues was a deficiency in Vitamin D, a common yet often overlooked condition among Indian women. 


Disha, like many women, spends a significant portion of her day indoors, either at her desk job or commuting in enclosed spaces. Exposure to sunlight, which is the most natural source of Vitamin D, is minimal. Combined with the traditional dietary habits in India that lack sufficient Vitamin D-rich foods, it's no surprise that she finds herself deficient in this essential nutrient. 

Also Check Out: India’s Best Women’s Nutrition Platform

“I was experiencing frequent fatigue and joint pain, but I never thought it could be due to Vitamin D deficiency. It wasn’t until I consulted a doctor that I realized how crucial this vitamin is for overall well-being," shares Disha.

Many Indian women share Disha's story. The lack of awareness about the importance of Vitamin D, coupled with lifestyle and dietary habits, significantly contributes to this widespread issue.

Here are some common reasons for this deficiency: 

Limited Sun Exposure: Long hours spent indoors and high pollution levels that block UVB rays.

Dietary Habits: Traditional vegetarian diets lacking in Vitamin D-rich foods like fish and fortified dairy products.

Skin Pigmentation: Higher melanin levels in the skin can reduce Vitamin D synthesis.


In a country like India, the sun is in abundance but not Vitamin D!

One of the main causes of Vitamin D deficiency in Indian women is limited sun exposure. Despite India being a tropical country with abundant sunlight, cultural practices and lifestyle choices often limit the amount of direct sunlight that women receive. Many women wear clothing that covers most of their skin for modesty or protection from the sun, which reduces the skin's ability to synthesize Vitamin D.

Another significant factor is dietary habits. Traditional Indian diets, especially vegetarian ones, often lack sufficient sources of Vitamin D. Foods naturally rich in Vitamin D, such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products, are not commonly consumed in large quantities in many Indian households.

Urbanization and indoor lifestyles also contribute to Vitamin D deficiency. With the increasing shift towards indoor jobs, use of public transportation, and spending leisure time indoors, many women do not get enough sunlight exposure. This modern lifestyle change has significantly impacted the natural synthesis of Vitamin D in the skin.

Here are some statistics and solutions

70% of Indian women are Vitamin D deficient


Vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent in urban areas

Protein-rich diets can improve muscle mass and overall health

Combining vitamin D with plant protein powder can be a strategic approach to addressing nutritional deficiencies, particularly in populations like Indian women who are often found to be deficient in vitamin D. This combination leverages the benefits of both nutrients to enhance overall health and well-being.

Plant protein powders are derived from sources such as peas, soy, and hemp, which are rich in essential amino acids. These proteins support muscle repair, growth, and overall metabolic functions. When combined with vitamin D, the absorption and utilization of calcium are optimized, promoting stronger bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin D deficiency protein powder