
How Do Female Orgasms Work?

All hushed questions and stifled desires have been answered and medically backed in this short read which is the golden answer key of everything around orgasm.

Paawani Gupta
New Update

Orgasms. Orgasms. Orgasms. Let us all let this word sink into our minds and body. The word which makes you closer to your partner, closer to yourself and on good days away from any chronic illness and sexual issues. Orgasms are the golden snitch to having sex and having them is the ultimate goal (ultimate desire). 


What Is Orgasm?

Ask Gytree hosts Dr Tanaya Narendra who debunks orgasm and the myths around it. She navigates through the most asked questions from, 'How it happens?', 'What happens in it?', 'Are Orgasms Safe?', and 'Do they help us? Dr Tanaya describes Orgasms as a sense of release that you might feel if you've been sexually stimulating yourself in any way.

This could involve some touching, stroking even some oral sex, some toys, anything and after using them your excitement starts building up, up, and up and after a certain point you have the sense of release which feels like, "Ah!" A lot of people have felt it and a lot haven't but there are still a lot of myths looming over orgasms and masturbation. 

Breaking the Sin of Masturbation!

While we often hear this notion of masturbation being a sin, being bad and unholy, it is not. These claims are not scientifically backed up whereas orgasms are proven to be healthy and essential for sexual wellness. Dr Tanaya medically dissects the term 'masturbation' and tells us a few benefits of having an orgasm. Masturbation is an act of self-pleasure and while it is condemned, it is proven that orgasms lead to good heart health.

Orgasms help in excreting 'happy hormones' in our body, like endorphins and oxytocin. They not only help stave off anxiety and depression but also help us sleep better. On top of that, one learns the concept of self-love and appreciating your body for what it is. She also states that people who frequently masturbate develop low chances of prostate cancer which seems like a great bargain for self-pleasure. 


The Chronicles of Orgasms

The question now remains, why do vulva owners have issues achieving orgasms? Dr Tanaya answers this by shattering the myth about orgasms being extremely dynamic or solely being achieved through penetration during intercourse. It is a hidden fact that less than 20% of women or vulva owners have vaginal orgasms which means over 80% of women do not have orgasms through vaginal penetration. This implies the need to know more about your anatomy, your choices and your desires. Dr Tanaya explains how the best way to have an orgasm is to squeeze your thighs together and put pressure between them. This pressure then translates into the pressure on the clitoris.

Most people use vibrators not by inserting them but by simply placing them on the vulva. The hidden maestro of orgasms is- the clitoris. The clitoris is a large organ and not just the pea-sized hood you use between your labia. Behind its hood, lies the entire organ of the clitoris which is a hub of 10,281 nerve endings! It is more than enough to make you have an orgasm and more. 

The key ultimately is to know your body, know your vulva and occasionally look at your vulva to know how it works. There is always the first step you need to take in appreciating your body and acknowledging that your needs, your desires and your 'orgasms' are important. Societal norms have dictated the terms of female anatomy for too long, it is time you know your body and vulva.

Orgasm Clitoris sexual wellness masturbation