
Hey, the First Time I Used Menstrual Cup...

With the growing awareness about menstrual health and hygiene and its products, menstruating individuals have started using alternatives to conventional plastic pads. Here's what some of them have to say about menstrual cups.

Bhavya Saini
New Update
Menstrual pads have been the most common menstrual products to be used by Indian women for years now. However, with the growing awareness about menstrual hygiene and some complications related to the use of menstrual pads, along with the environmental implications, many individuals have shifted their preferences to other alternatives like tampons, cotton and biodegradable pads and one of the most popular: menstrual cups.

We talked to some menstruators to know what it is like to use a menstrual cup and if it is any better than other products and here’s what we found:


  1. Environment friendly

The menstrual cup can be used and reused several times and can last for even years which make them environment friendly unlike the conventional plastic pads which are more difficult to discard. Nowadays, even biodegradable menstrual cups are available which makes them easier to discard once they are fully utilised.

“The cup is also so good for the environment plus you can keep using only one for a very long time. In short, no panicking if your pads are over.” Shraddha Pradhan, a student at Delhi University mentioned when asked about how menstrual cups have been beneficial for her.

  1. Affordability


Menstrual cups are more affordable than its alternatives since they can be reused for several years without having to buy new ones repeatedly. When asked if menstrual cups can be recommended to others, another student from Delhi University stated, “Would recommend it, of course everyone should use it, and those who can't afford monthly pads should go for it because you don't need to buy anything else for 2-3 years at all.”

  1. Easier to use

These cups are less irritable and more efficient than pads in terms of leakage and coverage, but only if one knows how to use properly. “It doesn't even feel like we're wearing anything down there because it goes inside,” a student stated.

According to Shraddha, “The cups are great only if you can use them. First, that irritation you feel while using a pad isn't there. It just doesn't even feel like much. Secondly, it is very much leak free only if you have used it correctly.”

Cons of using it?

  1. Can be tricky to use at first

Even though menstrual cups can be more comfortable to use than pads, they can be trickier to deal with if only used the right way. According to a user, “in the beginning, inserting the cup was a big hassle. I still encounter some problems while inserting it.”

Another frequent user, Minakshi, told us, “When I started using it, I didn't understand how to insert it and it was sort of painful putting it inside because of the bad technique I used.”

  1. Less awareness

Most women in India are not familiar with the alternatives of menstrual pads and thus continue to use them anyways even while experiencing complications. Those who do know about them, are still hesitant to use products like menstrual cups because of limited awareness available about them.

"I am just scared about learning the technique to use it because it can be a complex process. Tho I believe that I can get with it soon!", Aarushi, who has been planning to use menstrual cup stated.

  1. Lesser availability

Even with the awareness, there is still lesser availability of menstrual cups in India as compared to pads. There are only a few pharmacies that sell menstrual cups and most of the brands are only available at online stores. Thus, the accessibility to them is limited.

“In my 11th standard, I saw it in some tv series I guess, I don’t remember and it wasn't even that much available in India that time, plus was so costly. Then I attended this menstrual hygiene day event in CP, Delhi (the same year in May/June), people were selling it there so I bought one.” Minakshi told us when asked how she got to know about menstrual cups.

With its own pros and cons, menstrual cups are slowly creating its space in the lives of menstruators. Better or not, it is surely an effective alternative to pads and those who use it frequently have developed their preferences towards it. Even then, its effectiveness and comfort depends on the person using it and is subjected solely to personal choices and experience.

female hygiene Menstrual cup menstrual hygiene