
How This Startup Is Empowering Women To Take Charge Of Health

With a strong focus on nutrition and holistic health, particularly for women in midlife, Gytree is helping women tackle lifestyle-related health issues such as PCOS, weight management, fatigue, and menopause.

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In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for personalised healthcare solutions that cater to the unique health concerns of women. Gytree, a forward-thinking startup, is at the forefront of this movement, aiming to empower Indian women by providing comprehensive, preventative healthcare solutions. 


With a strong focus on nutrition and holistic health, particularly for women in midlife, Gytree is helping women tackle lifestyle-related health issues such as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), weight management, fatigue, and menopause.

Meet Meena Roy, a 45-year-old resident of Noida. She found herself overwhelmed by the onset of perimenopause. For months, she struggled with extreme fatigue, sleepless nights, mood swings, and constant overthinking. Despite her efforts to manage these symptoms, nothing seemed to help. When she consulted her nutritionist, she was introduced to Gytree’s plant protein, crafted especially for women navigating hormonal changes. 

This dual plant protein blend, enriched with key nutrients and adaptogens, provided Meena with the energy boost she needed. After just a few weeks of using Gytree’s personalised nutrition plan, she noticed improvements in her energy levels and better sleep patterns. 

The holistic health approach, which included balanced nutrition, stress management practices, and lifestyle changes, helped her manage her perimenopausal symptoms more effectively. Today, Meena feels more in control of her health, with reduced mood swings and a clearer mindset. Her journey illustrates how Gytree’s solutions empower women to take charge of their health during crucial life stages.

"'Why do women have excellent institutions for cancer but nothing that solves their general health? Why is the idea of female wellness linked to babybearing?' I was stumped with these questions. And they really resonated with me. Indeed why? That led to the birth of Gytree", says founder Shaili Chopra.

Chopra was one of India’s most recognised television journalists (NDTV, CNBC, ETNOW) before she quit and set up SheThePeople to focus on women’s stories because "they were absent from the media, from the newspapers, like they didn’t exist or were not worthy of storytelling,” she adds, it’s been similar with women’s health. Today Gytree is a first mover in shaping a new narrative in preventative health.


“I believe women don’t want to get sick and are looking to beat the fatigue and exhaustion they get from working for family, the home, at the workplace and more,” adds Chopra, whose platforms get more than 50 million viewers on health issues.

What worked for Meena? A Holistic Approach to Women’s Health

Gytree’s mission is clear: to enable women to take control of their health through personalised, data-driven, and accessible healthcare services. In India, where women often prioritise family care over their own health, Gytree stands out by offering a platform that brings preventative healthcare to the forefront. 

The startup focuses on bridging the gap between traditional healthcare approaches and modern, integrative solutions that take into account nutrition, lifestyle, and mental well-being.

The startup’s holistic approach addresses not just the physical aspects of health but also the emotional and psychological factors that contribute to women’s overall well-being. 

"Gytree emphasises preventative health care, promoting the idea that women should not wait for health problems to arise before seeking help," says Chopra. "Instead, they should proactively focus on maintaining their health through better lifestyle choices, nutrition, and regular check-ups."


Do we need lifestyle-based health solutions? 

Indian women face a unique set of lifestyle-related health challenges that Gytree aims to address. One in four women have PCOS. One in two women are dealing with weight issues. 

Sunita Verma, a 32-year-old marketing professional from Bengaluru, had been struggling with PCOS since her early twenties. Over the years, the hormonal imbalance had led to irregular periods, unexplained weight gain, and persistent acne. She tried various diets and exercise regimens, but nothing seemed to provide long-term relief. Frustrated and losing hope, Sunita turned to Gytree after hearing about its specialized focus on women’s health.

Her journey with Gytree began with a detailed consultation, where she was matched with a nutritionist who crafted a personalized plan tailored to her PCOS symptoms. The nutritionist recommended a low-glycemic, high-fiber diet and introduced Sunita to Gytree’s curated plant protein blend for women, which included ingredients specifically designed to help with insulin resistance, a key issue in PCOS management.

Within a few months, Sunita started noticing significant improvements. Her periods became more regular, she shed excess weight, and her skin began to clear up. The combination of plant-based nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, such as yoga and mindfulness, helped Sunita regain control over her health. She’s now a firm believer in Gytree’s approach, and her success story is a testament to the platform’s ability to offer real, sustainable solutions for women dealing with lifestyle health issues.

PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women of reproductive age in India, affecting up to 20% of women. The condition can lead to irregular periods, infertility, weight gain, and increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Gytree offers personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans tailored to manage PCOS symptoms, helping women adopt diets rich in anti-inflammatory foods, manage insulin resistance, and incorporate exercise routines that support hormonal balance. Additionally, the platform provides access to gynaecologists and endocrinologists who can monitor and offer guidance on managing PCOS holistically.


Are we ignoring female fatigue? 

Chronic fatigue and stress are widespread among women juggling professional and personal responsibilities. Gytree addresses these issues by focusing on nutrition as a foundation for energy management. The platform offers personalized dietary plans rich in nutrients that boost energy levels and support adrenal health. 

Women are sick of siloed offerings

Gytree’s plant protein blends, designed to address hormonal changes, energy levels, and overall well-being, are complemented by expert-led programs in nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle changes. This seamless combination of products and care ensures that women receive holistic, tailored solutions without the frustration of piecing together various treatments, making it easier for them to feel better, faster.

“If the nutrition world is based on research on men, if the shelves are full of supplements crafted for men, then who will get women what their bodies deserve? Let’s change this,” Chopra concludes.

Women's health Women's Healthcare